Apr 19, 2007 02:28


those VT shootings, majorly awful. i think its worse that no one will listen to what the killer had to say; possibly its a worthless rant, it could also be something people need to hear to keep his type from flying off the handle, cuz its happened before, and chances are itll happen again, especially if just sort of assume that this clear problem will just go away. its still all over the news, and understandably so, but 200 people got blown up in one city yesterday; a city with the tightest military protection ever seen in the 21st century. and we still wanna send more. the world's been crazy for a long time, its now bubbling over the top...i hope we all get our surfboards.

you know what's pretty kool? the constitution...up through amendment 21, its some pretty good stuff i think.

i also think i figured out harry potter (dont continue if you plan to, but havent read book 6). dumbledore was begging snape to kill him, in order to basically protect harry, or keep him in a position from which he could ice voldemort. snape didnt want to cuz he likes dumbledore and hates harry, but (as hagrid overheard dumbledore reminding snape) snape made a promise. thats why he took it so hard being called a coward, cuz snape is like judas...the only one strong enough to do what needed to be done.

the first harry potter movie was a little over three hours right? how do they plan to do order of the phoenix, which is, i believe, four times longer than the first, in one movie? i remember really liking the azkaban movie, but i heard people who didnt read the books couldnt follow because some stuff was left out. i say fuck em. read the damn book. then i saw goblet, and i realized how much stuff they changed sheerly for dramatic effect, and second time around i couldnt buy it. the kids act their ages in the books...watch the scene in goblet where harry opens the egg for the first time...those kids were directed like excited six year olds...why is mad eye some part robot type? why do they just add stuff, like the dragon breaking its chains, or the goblet changing color for harry's name to emerge? and how in fucks sake did they mess up a scene that (maybe) made me cry when i first read it...harry's parents coming out of the wands...this is a pointless rant. a diatribe really. everyone knows hollywood is run by sleazeballs in order to keep their sleazeball pockets fat...why should i spend a whole paragraph on it...the point is, someone needs to convince me to see the next potter movie.

arrested development is an underappreciated show. its message was so true, your average american really is in a state of perpetual adolescence, especially the rich one's, who tend to most enjoy the benefits of america's "free" market and its benefits. apparently, this was the one thing that nietzche feared above all, the idiots taking over.

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