Day One

Sep 22, 2005 20:45

Gokigenyou, everyone. This is my new..l-livejournal? I am simply following Sera-chan's instructions. She told me about this, and then said that I should get one because she and Rath both have one..I guess I give into pressure too easily, huh?

Well...w-what to write about...I saw Phoe-chan today. We went for a walk, and it was quite mild outside. We met in the park, and we didn't talk much but I still enjoyed myself. It was a nice trip from home, and she was even kind enough to buy some tea for me when we passed by the cafe. What can I say, she knows what I like..I appreciate her being there for me. I wish I could do something special for her, but alas, I'm very unoriginal..ara...her birthday is coming up, in December..maybe I could think of something by then..

It's autumn now, and though the season is changing, it still reminds me of that day in spring, when I first met her. It seems like ages ago now, doesn't it? I guess some things are just meant to stick with a person over time..that must be my thing.

I'm still not having any progress with controlling (or suppressing, I guess) my visions...and school is getting harder for me as well. On top of stress, I also feel sort of dumb, being tutored by my younger sister but I suppose there isn't anything that I can do about it. I'm not cut out for academics but there's no escaping it. I promised myself that we'd cut out that other..funny business, and just continue with our educations. I think it's what's best for Seraphim right now, too. All the confusion with dad can always be figured out at a later time..

It's nearly dinner now, so I must go..this livejournal thing isn't so bad..perhaps I will write again soon..
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