Jul 11, 2005 12:03
So let me see, what is new?
Well just a few more weeks and we move out of the crappy student ghetto, i cant wait. I'm soo sick of rats and bugs and annoying crazy neighbors. I've got to start packing, hopefully i can get some boxes from work, but i think jen is taking all of them because she is getting ready to move.
So i think im going to quit eckerds, because they have screwed me out of hours, giving a whopping 4 next week, it was the most f-ed up thing they done so far, besides not refunding me for the ptcb test.
I'm suppose to be working 12hr days this week at the office, but im worried that might not work out because the person i fight with for hours, has found out that ive taken the open hours. So he probably will try to get here before me those days. Ah well, maybe i can do something about it, but i doubt it. I'm going to be pissed though, if i show up at 8am and he is already here, taking the hours away from me. I've got this feeling that its going to happen and then im going to be pissed.
Alright i should get back to work, i cant wait for lunch, because im starving. Damn i forgot to bring salad dressing, ewwwwwww.
Peas and carrots