So, the two most recent JLU episodes? Pretty awesome. Really.
(It doesn't hurt that the Question has featured heavily, as he's rapidly become my favorite of the newcomers. I was raised by conspiracy theorists, so he sort of gives me the warm fuzzies. I remember my childhood, when my dad would talk about how aliens gave the Egyptians and the Mayans the blueprints for their pyramids. Oh, wait. That was last month.)
Anyway! I know a lot of people stopped watching after Justice League ended, which is understandable, because season one? Pretty crap. But after they found a *plot* it started getting quite good. And, er, kind of ironically, it's doing a similar "things that will change the League forever!" deal that the comics are doing, and, in my opinion, doing it pretty well. I don't feel like it's getting "darker", particularly, (certainly no darker than "A Better World") but it's... taking things to their logical conclusions- which is not something I generally expect from my cartoons, especially ones marketed toward children. I don't have the general sense of doom that I fear in the comics, but I do feel like there will be *consequences*. It's... kinda cool. I have my reservations about where they're going with it, but they're more connected to my personal attachments to things rather than anything objective.
So I recommend it, if you haven't been watching. The ones that connect to the larger plot are generally the better ones, I think.
These are pretty much the ones I think are worth watching, for one reason or another. YMMV, etc. etc.
"Hawk and Dove" (104) includes the introduction of a Plot Point, but could otherwise be skipped.
"Fearful Symmetry" (106)
"The Return" (108)
"Ultimatum" (109) Also more of a Later Plot Point than a really good episode (iirc), but it is essentially the League vs. the Superfriends, which is amusing.
"Dark Heart" (110)
"Wake the Dead" (111) Not really connected to the larger plot, but brings Shayera back.
"The Once and Future Thing" (112-113) I'm not sure if it's connected, but it has cowboy!Batman and Terry, and that's enough for me.
Starting with season two, they've all been pretty good, with the exception of "The Ties that Bind", which was... pretty bad. "The Cat and the Canary" isn't connected but I liked it, and you can probably skip 205 and 208 ("The Balance" and "Hunter's Moon") if you're just watching for plot, but they have some nice Shayera character stuff, if you like her. Which I do.
In other news, suffering from artist's block. Most annoying. Hopefully will be remedied soon, as in the meantime I'm reduced to doing art exercises to keep myself in shape. Let me tell you, there's nothing like drawing the muscles of the leg over and over and over to make you think maybe there's something in Liefeld's "Let's stick random lumps anywhere and call them muscles!" school of thought.
...okay, I wouldn't go that far. But it is boring. Educational! But boring.