For people who are not caught up on what has been dubbed RaceFail 09,
Anne Somerville has an excellent and clear summary. (Claire, remember that thing I e-mailed you about awhile ago? It's still going.)
It's kind of surprising for me to realize that I *haven't* posted a lot on this subject. It's been occupying so much of my brainspace recently, I assume surely, everyone who knows me must know my thoughts on this. Plus, I didn't know that I could contribute anything to the discussion. But then I read
Some thoughts on listening while white, especially this: I know: A good listener, online, is someone who writes. Writing is how we listen.
I want to write something about what I've learned, and my reactions, but- it's kind of coming out all jumbled now. I may post later. (I am home from work as there are moar potential cat problems oh god).
But- more importantly, I wanted to link to the posts that have really hit me, the ones that prove that this is *not* just another internet fight. Probably the only people on my flist who haven't read these are the three people who know me in person (*waves*), but in case you haven't:
I Didn't Dream of Dragons White people, it's not all about you but for this post it is(especially: When you imply that POC are disallowing you from writing something, what you are really saying is their their disapproval affects you to a degree that you are willing to pretend that they have the power to alter your choices. This is disenginous.
Reappropriating my man ciderpress ven ve voke up, ve had zese wodies However, in the intense and almost singular focus on clueless white people in this discussion and the often repeated statement that this was an opportunity to dialogue, that there is solace in the fact that it has been worth all the pain and difficulty, that they are somehow *glad*, the underlying assumption is that:
PoCs have emotional/intellectual catharsis after such discussions.PoC's pain being part of an educational moment for clueless white people is worth it to PoCs because it's worth it to white people. Anti-racism matters the same amount, in the same way to clueless white people, allies and PoC. bossymarmalade sees fire (in response to Elizabeth Bear's
Cease fire.)
You see, I couldn't just decide not to have a conversation about race anymore, because it follows me home. My race issues ARE my home.
verb_noire, a new POC-focused genre press
Fundraising for Fans of Color to go to WisCon and via
I can fix it! A ten step guide to fix racism.