[Lost] The Shape of Things to Come

May 26, 2008 13:02

Hm... okay, this makes some things make more sense. Tiiime travel!

Oh, Ben looks so content just playing piano there. awr.

oh man, Benry. So badass. So good at playing the helpless innocent caught in the middle of things and then whappo, out with the cudgel.

Shit, so if Ben hadn't sent Alex and co away... oh, Ben.
Heheh, and let's just shoot all the people we've never seen before. Woo *hoo*. You know, if they could have just given these extras a little screen time, and a name, it might kinda mean something? Just a line or two.
I think Steve should have been one of the Oceanic 6. Just, you know. Because.

Moriarty? Oh, Ben, you nerd. Although you'd think he'd know some subtler ways of finding out the date. Ask for a newspaper, jeez.

Oh, Sayid, my poor dear heart.
He looks so out of place at the funeral.
Very handsome, though.
I wonder if the people Sayid's being trailed by are just publicity after the Oceanic 6, or something else? How long has it been since they left the Island?

Oh, *Alex*. I don't want to watch this.
"Everything's going to be okay."
You know there's no way to save her, Ben. Even giving yourself up might not do it, but you know it's the only chance she has. Trying to convince them she doesn't matter- what's that going to do? you know they don't care about killing people.

Oh, poor Alex. Poor dear.

So of course Sayid would join him at that point.
Oh, Ben. You made him think it was all his idea.

Wait, I thought Ben didn't know what the smoke monster was? Although I guess you might be able to call something without knowing what it is.

Oh, Benry.

Hey, Locke realizes the same thing about Ben. Ben... doesn't exactly answer? Sidesteps with a "you can ask Jacob," which of course they don't.
Which doesn't answer the question of what he does and doesn't know, of course.

Oh, Benry. "They're expecting me!" *fingers crossed* Balls of *steel*, child.

Benry and Widmore face off. So he can't kill Charles. Political reasons? or Island magick ones?
Ben is going to kill Penny? Oh dear. Des isn't going to like that, and neither is Sayid. Does Sayid know what Penny looks like? I'm envisioning a horrible possibility of Sayid killing her without realizing, and then finding out from Desmond what he's done- killing *Desmond's* Nadia... D:

okay, yeah, that was kind of an important episode.


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