So yesterday while my computer at work was down I wrote out outlines for posts I want to make for IBaRW. (Ironic, given how I completely froze up when Betty asked me to write something for G_W. ...maybe I can trick my brain into writing something for ibarw, and then adapt it? Brain, you are odd.)
I think I'm going to save my post-comicon post on Paul "We have an Albanian!" Levitz until then. Even though it was the Gays in Comics panel, there was a lot to do with race as well, and a lot applies to the current conversation.
I also kind of want to make a post on white guilt- specifically, getting over it. I think a lot of white folk get caught up in it, and as I think I do pretty well on avoiding that, I might be able to help. On the other hand, I don't want to contribute to refocusing the discussion on "But what about the white people?" as is so often the case. On the *other* other hand, white people are going to post about white guilt anyway, and better they do it in a post specifically about it rather than hijacking another conversation. Besides, I think there is a place to talk about the way white people are hurt by racism- not in the "reverse racism" crap sense, but that by perpetrating racism we diminish ourselves as human beings. And it *is* a hard thing to accept, that you're contributing to this toxic, hateful system- but if there is a place for that discussion, it's among other white anti-racist fans, not as a distraction in posts about how racism affects FoC.
On the other other other hand, if I start getting comments like "You see, it's hard for white people TOO and why can't those meeen ol' FoC understaaaaaand" then I'm going to scream and break out the trout macros. I keep going back and forth between "Yes, guilt is a shitty feeling, and this *is* difficult at times," and "Oh, for Christ's sake, white people. This is required for being a decent human being so SUCK IT UP AND DEAL." Although it's entirely possible that I could spend the whole post insulting people and they'd *still* say I was nicer than those terrfying people of color, because people suck that way.
So- assuming I get my brain together enough to actually write it, I'd appreciate a second (third, fourth, etc) set of eyes to let me know if I'm being too nice. Or if I'm saying something stupid (due to white privilege, or otherwise), or just plain not making sense.
I'm also planning to do some recs of media that I think has good portrayals of race-- I've been meaning for awhile to do a post about South of Nowhere, which is where this icon is from. (It's my favorite teen soap opera on Noggin. It's got two lesbian main characters! In a teen drama! Plus, get this- it's set in LA, and it actually looks like it.)
ryda_wrong suggests pimping your favorite CoC, which I think is an awesome idea. I figure I'll alternate the meta with fannish love, which frankly I could use a shot of right now anyway.
Finally, on LC's LJ, there has been
a conversation about the what the *actual* wizarding equivalent of racially themed porn might be like. behold: Muggle fetishes!I felt this was an important contribution to the discussion at hand.