Nov 03, 2004 22:37
a few people have thought that they may bring it upon themselves to tell me what is right and wrong. This has been a problem in the past and between this morning and then a recent convo i've got to get this across to everyone. in fact i should probably take this to school and let some people read it cause youre really annoying me! Number one, I am quite capable of taking care of myself, i honestly DON'T need anyone. and when i say anyone, i MEAN anyone. now do you think i'm stupid? obviously you do, why did i even ask. You think I don't know what im doing and that I can't make my own decisions. You feel that you have to mother me. why??!? I've taken care of myself for 16 years. I know what i am capable of, and i also know WHEN TO ASK FOR HELP. have you heard me ask for help??? no, i don't think so. Do you know what that means? I don't need your help, i don't need your opinion, and i don't need to hear what you think is right. i go by me and my God. no one else. no man, and by man i mean human, will tell me what is right and wrong, because it is not their place. so leave me be. its my choices, its my life. I've made it thus for, trust my decisons. And if you don't want to, your problem. i don't care, which also means i don't wanna hear about it. I've heard what everyone had to say and i listened openly and i have yet to see any reason to change my way of being, one of these people didn't want to even hear what i had to say, which made me so mad i was shaking. bad form. i listened to you, you can listen to me. i appreciate it, but youre reaching control issues and its bordering annying. leave it alone. its my life. not yours. you have your own life. stick to taking care of it. and back off mine.