Mike/Bella Manip, Edward/Bella Manip, two banners

Feb 23, 2008 19:06

Sorry, it's been so long since I've posted anything!!!
Now that I can post I have so much to put in here.
First there's a manip of Mike and Bella (using my favorite casting--Hayden and Alexis Bledel; Hayden is just perfect for the part--what with his spiky golden hair and charm ^_^). I consider this to be a complementary piece to the poster I made a long time ago : I'm Mike Newton.
Then there's the manip that I've had forever--it features Edward and Bella on their honeymoon (there's no nudity or anything, but I must warn--it's a little bit suggestive since their sitting on a bed).
Plus two banner I've also had stored forever.
Both manips have several different versions so please take a look at them.
There are also four bases from the manips for you to beautify!

Mike Newton/Bella Swan Manip:

Dark Sepia Version

Edward/Bella Honeymoon:

Banner Version (with text)//Green Version(for those who hate pink)

001 002 003

004 005 006

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble


resource*bases, pairing*mike/bella, pairing*noncanon, pairing*multiple, fandom*twilight, graphics*manip, graphics*banners

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