Dec 07, 2013 11:50
I posted a link with some funny photos yesterday where owners made little signs with images of destruction their dogs made. A mutual friend posted something about dogs with the comment "thank god my dog is damn near perfect". And this ensued. Holy fuck flying off the deep end much?!
Wendy McNeney ah sashimi is perfect as can be…..well except for the barking
8 hours ago · Like
Kiki D. Locksmith That's called dutifully protecting her house!
3 hours ago via mobile · Like
Wendy McNeney That is true
2 hours ago via mobile · Like
Trina Bean for the record I'll take chewing over barking any day
Kiki D. Locksmith ugh... ok its not a competition. jesus christ. my dog is trained to bark when people come to the door because i lived by myself in the woods and then moved by myself to thailand. on bowen i had drunken men dropping by unannounced WAY too often, and it freaked me out. in thailand we had all sorts of shit being westerners in a small town. there is nothing wrong with having a dog to alert you to people invading your space. its prolly a little bit different as well if your large dog barks compared to shimi's little bark.
but anyways, trina, why do people have to go on other peoples pages just to shit on them or put themselves up while putting their "friends" down? i mean, do i go on your page and pick your life apart? or say my dog is better than yours? no. and i wouldnt, because its fucking RUDE. get over yourself. your dog is great, and my dog is great. cant i post one fucking positive thing without someone pissing on me? so your dog destroys your stuff and you dont mind, thats GREAT, but you dont need to come on to my page and write passive aggressive shit about how your dog is better. it is NOT a competition. get out of high school for god's sake.
for the record, i'll take barking. it has saved my life once (i was getting strangled to death in thailand and shimi's barking alerted two aussie travellers who broke down the door) and alerted me to the fact that i am not alone numerous times while camping by myself. oh, and three times she has scared off a bear all by herself with her "horrible" barking. i'd take that any day over the destruction of my property. but thats just me. and even though i feel that way, i would still NEVER make a rude remark about your dog for chewing! its NONE OF MY BUSINESS, is it???
point being, when you wrote about things getting destroyed by your dog on your page, did i go on there and say something snide like "oh, MY dog doesnt do that."?? all i wrote was that looking at those pictures made me grateful that mine never did stuff like that. it wasnt putting anyones dog down for acting like that, i was simply being positive about something in my life that i am grateful for. which you do all the time. and i have never ONCE gone on there and tried to one-up you or shit on your parade.
oh, and if you're home alone and someone breaks in and your dog doesnt bark at them because its too busy chewing your stuff, you might change your mind. there is a REASON dogs bark when people come into their territory, it might save your life too one day.
Trina Bean: My comment was not made to make you feel any particular way - definetely not bad. I responded to the comment and didn't even take stock of whose page I was on because I just spoke as I would normally speak. I'm really shocked that it was taken the way it was and deemed such a blowout. I'm not putting your dog down or shitting on you in any way. As you know my dog is not better, and I don't think anything I say or do has indicated I think she is. I am really sorry I offended you in such a way.
6 minutes ago · Like
Kiki D. Locksmith you're shocked? you just put down the one thing i love most in the world wihtout so much as a thought, and you dont see why it was rude???
4 minutes ago · Like
Kiki D. Locksmith anywyas, thanks for the apology, but maybe you could think twice before making comments like that? i mean, it takes no energy not to make them, so why bother?
2 minutes ago · Like
WOW. So needless to say she has blocked and deleted me. but just wow.