
Sep 16, 2010 20:22

[Asuka is...wandering. For the past while, she's been living, surprisingly effectively for a girl of her attitudes, on the street, rather than returning to the GDF or anyone else. Her original idea was to just find some abandoned house or something to live in for a while until she figured things out, but unfortunately, despite the constant invasions and monster attacks, Tokyo was still thriving and full of people.]

Freaking GGG.

[Regardless, at some point, Asuka did find a place. She laughs when she sees it - an out-of-place, falling-apart old karate dojo of all things, choked with weeds and trees. A sign above the door reads "Nagare".]

It figures. Guy saves the world, and they just leave his stuff here to rot.

[Wandering inside...]

Ugh. Literally. Asshole should have cleaned out his fridge...

...there's no one else here. I wonder why.

[Asuka just...sits and stares at the wall for a few hours.]

Well, if no one else is using it, I guess...

[Over the next week or two, anyone wandering by may notice the forgotten little building getting cleaned up a little. Or at least some personal space cleared out from inside as Asuka fixes herself a hole to hide in for a little while. If someone happens to wander by, they can perhaps see a somewhat dirty redhead cleaning out the smellier garbage, picking the place up, and generally being a more productive housekeeper than she's ever even considered being, despite the place continuing to look like an abandoned pile of crap.]

action post, log?, hobosuka, my life sucks, ic

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