
Sep 20, 2009 22:33

I don't...

That was...

I don't know what that was. I can barely remember it.

[Private, Unhackable]

All I remember is having terrible power beyond the comprehension of any human in the history of time...and then realizing it was nothing compared to the next bigger fish. That...whatever it that where evolution leads? Is that the ultimate being? Does it matter, other than it was something for Ryouma to punch in the face?

And the feeling, when Unit 02 was powered up on Getter Rays...I was...was that what Shinji calls berserk mode? Can Unit 02 do that too? What was that feeling? Peace and...and happiness, in the middle of combat? Why? Why why? There are TOO MANY FUCKING QUESTIONS ARGH HIMMELHERRSCHAFTSSAKRAMENT NOCHMAL!!

Phew. Okay. Think that got the Getter Rays out of my system. But the questions still remain.

Hmmmmdammit, living is so much more confusing than fighting.


Anyway, all that aside, if I see one person "mourning" Ryouma Nagare in any way but drinking and fighting, I will cut your faces. The man was too insane, too dedicated to never backing down, too...well, I guess he was pretty stupid, but for him, it was a good thing. He was - and maybe he still is, hell I don't know anymore - beyond human.

Nagare, here's to you. And you still owe me a beer.

post-mission, skipped ahead in canon there for a sec, farewell to my mentor in crazy, ic

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