(no subject)

Aug 09, 2007 14:32

time is kinda skating by really quickly. i spend about half my time being very awsomely productive and in a fabulous mood, and the other half with this 'false labour' nonsense which has me doubled over with contractions 5 minutes apart for hours on end that make me really stressed out and cranky then stop. it rules. im 'due' on monday tho. what the hell. thats in like four days. baby cannot actually come til then because i dont like the midwife on call this week, so i wouldnt call her and then id have to have the baby alone which while exciting and romantic, isnt what we really signed up for a midwife for. but my mw is back on call monday so alls fair then. plus its chris's birthday and i totally didnt get him anything so im hoping baby will show up and a) make him forget that i am a deadbeat girlfriend or b) act as a gift himself.

im going a bit batty with the phone calls and questions about if ive had the baby (or if ive 'popped' [pregnant ladies do not pop people!]) my mother is making me want to gouge my eyes out, but my sis and dad are cool. my dad phoned to tell me he thought about it and was ok with the baby being born on his birthday, and my sister phoned and said 'oh my god do you KNOW what sam did last night? i swear to god kellee he is SUCH an asshole' and didnt once mention the child-to-be. how lovely. my mom on the other hand calls constantly to ask when the doctor says the baby will be born (what doctor? im not too sure) and has taken to calling the baby 'her baby', as i have taken to hanging up rudely on her.

also super cool is how chris's mother and my mother are on this mission to prove that they in fact had Much Harder Pregnancies (tm) then I, and Im actually a complete moron who knows nothing of my own body, or pregnancy for that matter, and they know about my body etc even tho the both live thousands of kilometers away. do you know chris's mom had TWO AUGUST BABIES!!!!!!! and thus i am not hot all the time. also that my mom gained 75 pounds when she was pregnant and therefore i am not very big. and even tho my mom did the 'drug me so i remember nothing' route of childbirth, she knows that i am not actually in pain. because 'real' contractions are very different from the ones im having (which ive never really described to her and she lives across the country) also im not due yet, so i am not large, according to chris's mom, and most importantly, VERY VERY IMPORTANTLY!!!! Deb and Chriss bro and sis are coming labour day weekend. so she doesnt want the baby to come too soon or it will be walking and talking by the time she gets here, and she told me to make sure it is here by the time she gets here so the trip isnt a waste. and my mom is going to be out of town at a cabin next week so it really wouldnt work for her if i had her baby that week. or this past weekend because she has company. christ! i told her to phone deb and they could work out the best day for them and they could just let me know. and also my grandmas minister is retiring and granny has to go to tea on the 18th so she would rather i didnt have the baby that day. everyone in public has something to say to pregnant ladies, especially when you look so ominously perched on 'popping' and its driving me mad as well. yes, i am huge. yes, the baby is low. yes, i am very uncomfortable. how true, it is really hot out and it is unfortunate im having a baby during the hottest summer in a bazillion years. yes i know i should enjoy how terrible i feel now because it will only get worse once the baby comes. the other day a lady came up to me in the grocers and said 'wow you must be due really soon?' i gritted my teeth and said yeah and then she told me that i looked just beautiful, and therefore whe is the only person in the world who doesnt suck and shouldnt be killed.

i realize i dont post about anything other then pregnancy and that is probably annoying. i promise when you are nine months pregnant i will read your boring pregnancy related posts too.

been doing many wholesome family fun activities to pass the days. winnipeg is actually quite fun when one has a car and 10 bucks. so far have checked out glow-in-the-dark mini golf (brilliant) the arcade in lockport, folklarama and fort whyte. tried to go on the haunted winnipeg ghost bus tour but it was sold out, which sucks because how cool does that sound?!?! anyways, for folklarama went to Brazilian pavilion, which includes really buff guys who dont wear shirts and ladies in very little sparkely bikinis. it is brilliant and everyone should go.


fort whyte

my bad ass cousin sarah had this cute baby two weeks ago. we are going to dress our babies in the same embarrassing clothes we wore growing up and make them sing christmas carols with dance routines to entertain us like our parents made us do. cool eh?

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