ontop of working a bazillion hours this week i'm taking acls (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_cardiac_life_support ), which upon opening my package, i realized theres a whole book and 6 hour dvd im supposed to complete before going to class thursday. ever-able at b.s.'ing and usually quite sharp i was unconcerned until i realized that there is a test in the first HOUR of class that if you dont pass you dont take the course. sheesh. so in my precious sleep hours im trying to decipher complex ekg interpretations and memorize algorithims, not to mention the (literally) 43 classes of acls drugs commonly used, their standard doses, indications and side effects. my brain is swimming. why oh why is procrastination so ingrained in my that i wait until the last minute to even open work packages? oh how woe is me. i had noble plans of attending the fire fighter memorial tomorrow, but such is life. im sure theyd understand. with this complainingb tho i would like to just say that this stuff is unbelievably fascinating and i get physically excited learning about cardiac stuff (and liver ad kidney stuff). im being totally serious. i find it hard to sit still after finally understanding a concept like the ekg changes in various heart blocks. sweet lord how i hope to dream about those tonight instead of the yet-to-be-mentioned fingers. id wake up with my sheets wet.
today at work i spent a great deal of time picking up amputated fingers, bone fragments and foot long tendons that partied a bit to close with a band saw and liberated themselves. i got to lovingly wash them, wrap them individually in sterile saline soaked gauze and pack them in bags of ice. it took 45 minutes, the whole time i swallowed barf. its hard not to make 'yknow you should really clean your fingernail jokes' that are decidedly insensitive and unprofessional, but distract you from the fact that youre doing the most disgusting thing in the world while having never-relenting morning sickness. yee-haw.
i have a belly now. is alternatingly cute and unnerving.
would it be wrong to name my potential-son something like 'lady luck' or 'shadow fox', cause chris mentioned tonight in one of our never-resolving discussions of boy or gender-neutral names we can agree on (current count: none), how itd be great to get to pick names like race horses. and im thinking since race hourses are revered, speedy and quite attractive to look at, not to mention cash-city, is there really something wrong with encouraging that with a childs name? no seriosly. cause otherwise the kid will be named junior or something.
winnipeggers please dont forget me although i work to much. please call and tell me the fabulous or even mundane things youre doing, even though m the biggest jerk about phoning other people.
this week brought me a package in the mail by my ex slp who i havent talked to in two years. we dated for four years, talked in some way at least every other day, then boom, zero communication for two years, unless you count the one sushi-gone-wrong attempt at reconceiliation dinner where i made the grown man sob into his green tea ice cream in front of dozens of glaring patrons. anywho the package was ridiculously nice and ive decided to let yall in on a lil tip. if you really really piss me off, wait awhile then apoligize profusely cause my memory for bad things sucks and ill most likely take your word for it that you deserve forgiveness. the wrath of kell is feirce but easily distracted by tweeting birds and airplane flying over head, ahem. so intense tho, and when i get time, maybe we'll work stuff out.
also remarkable is i got an email from this chick jenny that i went to mmiddle school with in california like 12 years ago. how she found me is completely beyond me, but how exciting! i havent heard hide nor tail from her in at least ten years, and have changed my adress and email more times then anyone should. once again, when this huge block of time opens up (uhhhh...) im so pumped to write her back.
look at me procrastinate....oh toronto im coming to visit the first two weeks of april ok? be ready, and dont go tree planting or whatever it is you kids are into these days before then ok? also fancy and christopher please dont ever use band saws or belt grinders in the coures of your work, cause ive seen about 40 amputated fingers now and i hear you guys use your fingers a lot ok? the ones i saw today still had their protective gloves attached. like ew. xoxo