Hi Minna,
I have known this for quite a while, but I really wasn't sure if I should post about it...
but now that Kento Ono and some other friends have spilled the beans already, I might as well make this news official.
Mao is currently home in Tokyo!
Kento Ono, Yuda Ichiba and Mikiho Niwa posted pictures of their instagram of a Goseiger reunion meeting and they all posted this picture
Niwa commented on her instagram: 5人でひとつ (5 people being one)
https://www.instagram.com/p/BjuZ8Jon9PD/?taken-by=mikiho_niwa Kento Ono wrote on his instagram: 星を護るは天使の使命 (the mission of the angels is to protect the star)
https://www.instagram.com/p/BjufBFIhAon/?taken-by=kento_ono Yuda Ichiba wrote: 先日のゴセイジャーの集い。
A meeting of the Goseigers the other day.
On the way to the location I thought: "I wonder if I will cry"
When I saw everyone it was like I had returned to that time.
I was laughing.
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bjul_4Egq0K/?taken-by=yudaichibaofficial And while I have no definite proof or evidence, I heard that Mao has apparently seen Dai-chan several times as well during his stay and the idea which makes me an incredibly happy fangirl.