CD's for sale!

May 23, 2008 09:36

Ainsley's about ready to move up to the next size in CD's, so I thought I'd ask here first to see if anyone is interested in some NB dipes? If interested, I'll take pics right away, if not then I can leisurely do it before I put them for sale on diaperswappers! lol. It would be nice to have them go in multiples. I need to finance her small stash! They'd go out in the mail early next week, we could work out the details if interested.

9 KLO's in EUC, 1 of each colour, and 4 naturals ($9 each for the colours, $7 for the naturals or take all 9 for $70)
1 Sm natural happy hempy stuffable fitted in VGUC ($10)
1 NB BSWW in the girlie flower print, EEUC ($9)
2 sumbums AIOs, EEUC. These are so crazy small Ainsley only ever wore them once ($9 each)
2 Essential Salts babies ( covers, EUC ($7 each)

ETA: we can figure out shipping if you are interested, I can mail them from the states so it wouldn't be too much $$ - I have to go to NY on wed. to pick up Ainsley's PB chair


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