Days Off

Feb 15, 2008 10:00

Tuesday we bummed around the house got caught up on our TV watching. After I got off work we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast. We stopped off at Home depot and Menards for the PVC pipe for John to make some needle holders. Later in the night we ate spaghetti and chilled. Wed we got to bed early then we both couldn’t sleep.

Wed night John went off to work and I headed to Ruth’s around 6:20 to pick up my side less surcoat. She picked a nice plain green one and I was pretty happy with it. She said someone said to tell us hi. It turned out to be Virg. I had no idea he was still doing SCA stuff. It was nice to hear from him even though it was thru someone else. They had a pretty ok trip to Val Day. I got to see some other bags she had made and some socks she was working on. The Ravelry exchange mittens are gorgeous.  I was late getting to church so I didn’t go. Mom was not going to be there and I didn’t really feel up to it. I went home played on the internet for awhile getting my Valentine’s Day stuff set up on MySpace. Read all my blog’s to make sure if people updated anything or not. I got Eithini’s knitting article she published in TI. I totally forgot to sign up for it this year. Oh well. I got laundry done except the cat blanket and some clothes. I did a load of dishes and discovered I have ½ a load again. I got my recyclables and garbage ready to go for this morning’s 6am pick up. I got the scarf finished. The baby sock is finished too. I really need to take photos and post to Ravelry. I also need to start the other baby sock so I have a pair. I did some drop spinning with the blue and sparkle wool Meg’s made up for me. It is really nice. I need to figure out how to ply so I can get 2-3ply so I can crochet or knit with it. I was thinking of getting my Inkle Loom down to play with that for awhile. I have it so there really is no reason not to have something on it. Maybe a belt with gold, blue and green for my colors. I am sure I have the yarn somewhere that I bought when Myssie and I went to Yankton to visit a yarn store when she lived in Vermillion. Yes I have had it for that long; I think it is in my yarn basket. I also need to find my cool clear fishing line heddles.  I do need to go thru it and set up my Ravelry with the info so I can get ideas on what to make with it. I need to finish the baby sweater that was for Grace and make something a bit bigger so she can wear it now. I really don’t want to start anything new until I get some of the other stuff done. I also want to spin on my wheel. At the next Wed get together I will take it so the girls can see it and give me hints about why the nut holding the wheel on falls off. Maybe we can do some plying so I can see it done (hint hint Ruth).

We will have to make the SCA meeting in March since it was changed to Tues night at 7pm.YAY!!! John has to come too since it is both our days off. That is a first in a long time! YAY!!!!! I put in a bid too late to become possible exchequer for the group. I figured it wouldn’t be too much trouble but a newer person got the vote at the last meeting. When they tire of it I can definitely take over and serve my shire again. The last time was A&S when Tim had it and the group wanted to get him out of office. I felt bad that he was tricked into giving back the A&S book then voted out of the position and I was voted in. It was not pretty and I said I would not get involved with politics again. So far (knock on wood) I have not. John will not get involved with politics again either. We were at a meeting and all but 3 people walked out of the room when we showed up because of politics and group issues. The meeting was called and everyone had to come back inside but John does not forget and neither do I since I married him. There that is the sordid politics involvement for us both here. I have no idea what happened in Sternfield John’s old shire before he moved here and we got married.

My friend at work had an enchilada recipe and several people made it and said it was very good. I decided to get all the stuff together and make it for John for Valentine’s Day. I bought most of the stuff without the recipe and had to go back Wed night to get a few things I had forgotten. It really turned out great! We may modify it by putting salsa on a layer, or adding some Nibblets corn. It does need a little something else. I had one layer that was a little chewy and dry; I think it was the bottom layer. I will post the recipe later when I have it if you make it as is you may decide to tweak it a bit too. We have done that with Arros con Pollo before. We made it more the way we like it vs. the original with required the chicken boiled with vinegar and water.

I was thinking of having everyone come to Buffalo Wild Wings Tuesday 2/19 since we have not had one of those get together nights in quite awhile. I still have to run it by John but we will see-fingers crossed. I will send out an email to let everyone know who is invited. If you didn’t get an email and want to be invited email me and let me know.

Well that is all I have for now.
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