]Today sucked, but then again I got to see Kathleen, Sara, Aryn, Zach,
Tom, Stephen, Timmy, and Will, and yeah thats all I remember it wasnt
so bad I guess. Last Night I went to this Baptist Children's Home and
we (my parents and a lot of people they know I guess) all gave them
presents and stuff and there was pizza and what not it was sad but at
the same time it was'nt you know? well here are some pictures of the
kids, there were 6 boys the youngest was 5 and the oldest was 11,
they were ADORABLE!! here are some pictures.
This is Michael, he is the youngest he's 5, he was the most .. forward I guess haha and he loooooved the camera ;-) haha.
I think this is the CUTEST PICTURE EVER!
Look what I found! but wait...(Oh yeah thats Seth he is 7)
Look what else I found!!! haha (from left to right: Paul, Seth, Michael) I think this one is cute too lol
They all got bikes for Christmas from the people my parents were with I
dont know what it is but they donated them to the kids I thought it was
sweet (kids left to right:Michael, Seth, Paul, Payton, Anthony, Andrew)
Then of course they got helmets! haha the kid looking at the Camera was
my Favorite, thats Payton isnt he cute! :-) (him and Anthony the oldest)
Theres Antony in the red hes 11 he didnt really seem to excited, it made me sad.
Anyways not that anyone really wanted to see them I thought I would
share anyways! I had fun I guess so it was cool. well leave me