Of Montreal in approx. t-minus 19 hrs.
I'm still getting used to the new album, but man I love this song. It's pretty funk-ay for a bunch of kooky white people. Plus at the end there are these few lines that just killllll me when they come out of Kevin Barnes' lips....:
"Be careful how you touch me, my body is an earthquake ready to receive you.... let's be like strangers touching for the first time."
Max is fuckin' ace. He waited with me till my brother picked me up after work today. I almost wanted to bum a cigarette off of him, but I felt like that would be asking too much, even though I begged him to not stay.. but I mean it would be his ass on the line if I did end up chopped up in the storm drain down the block. I'm gonna give him a m.u.g. award and make things all betterrrrr.
yah yah yah yah. yah. yah. yah. yah.
I've seen about 20 fake skulls in the past week.