4chan crit continues...

May 18, 2004 12:27

And a continuation...

joecifur !cpaJ8y6HOM 05/17/04(Mon)12:21 No.12198
>>You want something that real, go get a camera, not a paintbrush.

This sentence made my soul hurt.

>> It's fappable Anonymous 05/18/04(Tue)13:02 No.12199
*fapfapfap* See? I like it.

>> Thanks to all of you! MD !aAZAO4NzqQ 05/18/04(Tue)13:52 No.12200
Before this topics gets saged to death, I would like to thank everyone who critiqued me.
I am very happy how it was handled seriously instead of a roast.

The "constructive" comments were much appreciated and now I have an idea of where my weaknesses are and hopefully I will continue improving. I will try to pay closer attention to the anatomy (even though it's a stylized cartoon). I will continue improving my coloring (but I plan to keep it cell style and graphic). I will take more care in my inking and try not to rush.
I had a chance to reevalute my skill and I thank all of you.

>> Criticism is ok but Flaming is not JLightstar 05/18/04(Tue)16:34 No.12204
I have to say this in MD's defense. I have a commission that I requested from her and she goes the extra mile by offering to do it with Half the payment up front! How many artists actually do that? And she send the rough sketch to you just to make sure she got the pose right before laying the inks down. I believe in criticism which should help the artist improve every day. Flaming on the other hand isn't... If you are going to just be bitter, then I offer this challenge... Commission a piece from her and see what I am talking about. Because I have pointed out some things I didn't want or I wanted added on. And she take it into mind.

>> lol, i'm late... danabahn !sYzC7pvfUM 05/18/04(Tue)17:16 No.12207
...but i'd like to offer some criticism too. =p See, i also draw and strugle to make some attractive (not perfect) anatomy and whatevers, and i congrat you for doing so much work -- means you practice a lot, which is important for every artist. And you must b having fun at that, since, in my concept, one should do art mainly for it's own pleasure... :)

OK, 'bout your art itself, i sorta know you from a long time ago too... And i think you don't have improved much. Well, there's some improvement, but i still think your lineart is shaky, unsecure. Don't mind if it's too thick or not, i think you should work more on better finalizing your lineart, cuz everything else seems fine, cuz that's what your aiming at.. Coloring style and anatomy aren't stunning, but nothing looks so terribly wrong, at least for me... But i tend to not pay attention to coloring... (I have some issues with digital colorization... ^^;)

>> continuing... *_* danabahn !sYzC7pvfUM 05/18/04(Tue)17:17 No.12208
Erm... Anyways, don't take this as heartless criticism, cuz i don't even say a thing if i don't think it's worth it... But, no matter what ppl say, try to extract what's important of each person's comment. A thougtless or nasty comment might, in deep, not be so nasty, if you can make some sense out of it. And, after all, comments are only opinions and we can't control them... I use to compare this job of "creating art" as raising a child. Once you take good care of it and let it free to the world see and judge, everyone will have a diferent opinion about your child. But you can't change it anymore, just for the world sake. But you can listen to ppls comments - and it's up to you to digest them and see if they are worth listening or not. ;)

Argh, sorry for long double post... *_*
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