here is a basic post of my study tour in Japan!
Since the study tour was run by the Japanese Government,we had to do a lot of official visits to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Australian Embassy etc and attend various lectures,so we spent a heap of time on the bus and wearing "Business Clothes"
But occasionally we did get some time off,mostly at night,to do what we wanted.Mostly this consisted of shopping and karaoke ^^
(Crunky~!Food of the Gods!)
And we made a special visit to the Cat Cafe in Shinjuku to visit an old friend,little Ramu.She's grown up into a nice big floofy sink cat.
We got to do the whole kimono thing again on our day of "Cultural Experience" I lucked out and got to wear a furisode (long sleeved kimono)
After spending a week and a half in Tokyo,we flew down to Beppu in Oita Prefecture to do a university visit at Ristumeikan Daigaku (APU).The campus was on top of a volcano,so the view was nice,but it was freezing and really windy.
We also visited a monkey shrine while we were there,and I managed not to get bitten! It was pretty scary because the monkeys were really wild and aggressive.
And that,pretty much, is the trip in a nutshell.I have some more photos up on my facebook,so if anyone wants to see more just search my gmail address on there.The whole trip is a little hazy to me now,because we were so busy,but I don't think I'll ever forget the deer stew we ate in Ajimu O.o