Mar 11, 2010 20:49

Argh! What in the world is happening in the world of Survivor!? Contained within is my recappy/rant about the latest episode. WARNING: Contains severe spolierage, so don't read if you haven't yet seen.

Ok, might I first start off that last week, I was almost in tears/throwing up during Tribal b/c I was convinced it was Tom or Colby, both of whom I absolutely adore and have been unequivocally rooting for. I loved them since forever, love them still and had all these wonderful ideas about how lovely it would be to see The Gentle Giant, Rupe, JT, Colby and Tom being the best of buddies. CLEARLY that has not been happening and it's only getting worse. So last week, after wonderful JT turned around and voted Cirie out, I was overjoyed. Not only did they eliminate a severe threat (it still amazes me how smart and wily Cirie is and people tend not to notice or give her credit until it's too late) but it looked like Colby and Tom FINALLY had the upper hand! JT voted with them (which had me thinking he would therefore be aligned with them now) and by last week's promos, they sure made it look like Candice was going to flipping tonight to join them, suddenly making Tom and Colby in the majority. HALL-A-U-IAH.

And then tonight happened. AAAAAAARRRRGGGH. I'm so pissed and sad - DANG IT what are they DOING out there?! All of them!!

Let's start with Russell and Coach's Dragonslayer Tai-Chi or whatever the heck. Yes, he's ridiculous, we're all aware of that. Sandra and Courtney were snickering and trying not to burst out laughing the whole time. Everyone was there - except Russell, who was off digging for the Idol. I think it was stupid for the Villains to be all like, "No one's looking for it, and whoever does is MARKED." Whatever dudes, part of the game. I would've thought they'd've been all over the prospect of the Idol, ready to cut each other's throats and everything. Instead it's like they're actually pissed at Russell for looking.

Anyways, so I'm glad Russell found it, because he is CERTAINLY going to need it. But is it just me  - and I know Russell has always been insanely cocky - but does he seem to be TOO cocky this time 'round? By doing this idol thing, he's managed to completely alienate himself, or is in the process of alienating himself. I still think he knows he's exactly what he's doing with Parvati and it's not truly puppy love or a crush or whatever that Rob and Coach seem to think it is, but I do think he's trusting her way too much. She trusts him, and while I really don't think she's as an amazing player as seemingly everyone seems to think she is, she is smart unfortunately and she is threat and I don't think she would hesitate too much to jump away from Russell if the cards were better elsewhere. So I ask, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, RUSSELL!? He's all bent on getting Rob out, but if they KNOW he has the idol, which they do, then they're all gunning for him. I'd like to think Russell can think/talk his way out of this, but I'm starting to doubt him. Not that Rob or Coach or any of the Villains really are necessarily smarter than him, but the way things look Alliance-wise, Russell seems to be sorely outnumbered. Rob and Sandra have a bit of a thing, Coach is kinds with Rob, Sandra is also kind with Coutrney who's kind with Danielle, who seems kinda with Jerri, who's kinda with Coach. Parvati is also kinda with Danielle. Then there's Russell, who's with Parvati (who could jump away at any moment). And no one else.

Coach is a schmuck and I would love to think that his bowing to Russell will hold up, but Coach is easily manipulated and has Tyson who has ridiculous as he is, seems to have a fairly cool head on his shoulders. So if Coach is with Rob and Tyson, they can talk him out fo whatever Russell talks him in to, I would bet. So Russell is out there hanging.

What would be somehow weirdly awesome, if somehow Russell and Colby can both make it to the merge, team up and grab a couple of randoms, and go to the end, just picking people off. That would epic, hilarious and fantastic.

Next (and I'll try to make this short, as I have stuff to do... and I'm sure you do too, haha!) the other things about this episode. The Reward Challenge: can we stop having these intensely brutal physical challenges? No more injuries, PLEASE. No more brutal challenges like that. Let's have some good ol' endurance or marathons or you know, the ones where they have to swim out and come back, swim out and come back, etc (with no puzzle, b/c apparently the Heroes are mentally retarded when it comes to puzzles). I'm sorry James got hurt, and at the time he wasn't walking, I was hoping he would be alright, b/c as horrible as James is being, I keep thinking/foolishly hoping he'll get better and go back to the James I loved in China. And honestly for Amanda's sake, b/c she was so cute when she cried about James being her awesome big brother.

But then he got back to camp and everyone (Rupe, Amanda and JT) started talking about how they have to get rid of Tom and keep James. Wait, WHAT!? Are they eating STUPID PILLS over there in the Heroes camp? Seriously. If ANYONE has actually WATCHED THE SHOW, they would know that a team who acts like a TEAM, who leaves their egos at the door, who eliminate negativity, who KEEP STRONG PEOPLE and generally unite, are the teams who prevail. I refuse to cheer for the Villains, but at this point, I'm fast running out of "Heroes" to cheer for. The Villains, if anyone has noticed, manage to leave their egos at the door and generally listen to Rob or whoever, direct the challenge and they win. They've eliminated weakness and negativity - Randy - and they actually act liked a united team. And. They. WIN. See a pattern? So the Heroes want to keep Rupert with a broken toe in order to vote out Stephanie. And then they want to keep James - who CAN'T RUN AND CAN BARELY WALK - and vote out Tom. Right. Because that makes sense.

I can barely even rant about the immense illogicality (whoa, is that even a word??) of this. James - who I am hitherto going to be referring to as the Anti-James - has been negative, rude, a big bully, angry, uncalled for and now extremely injured. Yet they keep him. WHY WHY WHY!? On top of that: I know JT is trying to be more of a "player" and more aggressive, but what's he's doing isn't being terribly strategic, he's just being irritatingly wishy-washy, going wherever the winds blows. This probably aggrevates me more so because his wishy-washiness has cost the show Steph and Tom, two of my all-time favs, but still.

Poor Colby now needs a miracle.

This season was supposed to be one of the best, but so far I am mostly finding it aggravating and disappointing and completely depressing! Oh and one more thing I thought of while watching tonight: is it just me, or are the Heroes almost taking this too personally? What I mean is, they've all played before. they know the name of the game, they know it involves alliances, lying, back-stabbing, strategy, etc. They are well aware of that. And yes, most of them are here b/c in the past they played in such a way that valued honesty, integrity, loyalty, etc. But really. It's almost like b/c they've been labelled "Heroes" they're expecting each other to be perfect and perfectly up front, entirely trust-worthy etc so they're taking it exceptionally hard when someone lies or whatever. At least with the Villains, they're all aware that everyone is playing everyone and everyone is lying. It's just a matter of determining exactly who is lying about what.

Argh. Anyways, gonna go cry over Tom now... ;P


tv: survivor, tv: survivor: heroes vs villains, #recap-ish, #rant, art: banners

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