"That Girl is Like A Virus!"

Feb 25, 2010 22:25

Thanks Jerri, for the great quote and episode (and journal entry) title!

So I just finished watching Survivor a bit ago and firstly thought it was past time I post the Survivor art I recently made, but also talk a bit about the season so far and tonight's episode...

*SPOILER WARNING* Click no further if you have not seen tonight's Survivor and wish to not know what happened!


Okay, so anyone who knows me, knows I am into Survivor. Like majorly. And honestly, I'm significantly less obsessed than I used to be (like literally used to write lists in order to memorize everyone's first and last names, occupation, luxury item, order they were voted etc... I don't remember most of it now, but I can still tell you probably anything about any season and can tell you the order of who was voted out from seasons 1-7. Ya. Psycho, I know. :P) but still pretty into it. This season has gotten me super excited and after the exciting premiere, I sat down and made a pile of art, which you can enjoy below. Cred if used!











(*Note* James' "Gentle Giant" avatars were based off of the James I saw in China and even Micronesia, not the James that has been showing up to play this season!)

[Disclaimer: My opinions only, no offense intended. :D Except to Tyson, who is so awful and gross and awkward, he SHOULD take offense.]

So I want to start by saying that I kind of love Russell against my will. In Samoa, the first few episodes I loathed him so much. Then that kind of turned into a really grudging respect for his wits (like the way he seemed to be all Southern Good Ol' Boy to everyone's face and meanwhile was calling them idiots, do-dos, zombies, putty, puppets, etc etc to the camera), which morphed into "Well, he's funny I guess, even if he's kinda evil." which then somehow grew to the point that I was cheering hard core for him to win, for baby-face Brett to get the boot for Hot MickDoctor and sweet Natalie to lose in a landslide vote for Russell and his epic gameplay. Sadly the jury had too many bitter grapes on it, so he didn't win, which is such crap (and seriously, I actually wanted to give the guy a hug at the Reunion show, he looked just so crushed and on the verge of crying!).So while I honestly whole-heartedly want the Heroes to triumph like crazy over the Villains, there's still some part of me that reaaallly wants to see Russell oh-so-deservingly crowned. :D

Anyways, so more on Russell and his latest antics in a minute.

The premiere of this season was fantastic, except for the Heroes completely blowing that puzzle and Sugar going home. I agree she was annoying (I think any warm-blooded female would very much want to sleep next to Colby! But did she really have to be loudly talking and then chasing him and being a general annoyance?) but I really like her. She's a really sweet girl, and it annoys me that so many people snap at her for being emotional. She wears her heart on her sleeve and she cried because they lost, ok!? I would be crying to! Especially if I felt like it was my fault and that I was going home. That all being said, she was probably the right choice anyways, seeing as how she annoyed everyone and was indeed the weakest on the Heroes tribe at that point. Also want to give a big huge high-five to Sugar for that brutal Reward Challenge, tho, where Villainous Sandra did the dirty/cheap trick of undoing Sugar's bra (seriously? Hag.) and Sugar ran for victory topless and gave Sandra two big birdies up. GO SUGAR!

For the second episode of this season, I should preface this with a bit of an explanation as to why I was like teary-eyed depressed during Tribal. Prior to the season starting, my mom and I discussed excitedly at length what could possibly go down between all the various people on the two tribes. The Heroes are full of our most favs ever - Colby, Tom, James, JT, Rupert, Stephanie - and the Villains the ones we've completely loathed - Rob, Coach, Randy, Courtney, Tyson, Jerri, Parvati. (Yes, I am aware this is the point, but just give me a minute). Mom and I had all these lovely (read: naive, silly, etc) expectations for how it would go down. We were picturing the Heroes, who would all be happy, working together, having fun. The guys would bond, Tom would say to JT "You remind me of myself when I was younger!" and Colby and James would trade stories over the fire, Rupe would catch fish, they would feast, the girls would braid each other's hair and giggle, and Stephanie and Colby would hook up (ssh, yes, I know - I'm pretty sure she's already married, but shush!) etc. Meanwhile the Villains would be yelling and eating other alive, plotting lying, scheming, etc. They would lose every challenge b/c they are so wildly outmatched physically and it would be delicious and beautiful.

Except pretty well the opposite happened come episode 2. The Villains proceeded to work together, despite having one of the most disorganized camp sites ever (and horrendous shelter). Rob built a fire without flint (or a magnifying glass or glass or anything else!), which makes him I believe like one of maybe two or three people who've ever managed that before on Survivor. Somehow I found myself actually liking and respecting Rob - someone who I've hated almost as zealously as I've hated the likes of Johnny Fairplay, for pity sake - and was both upset and scared for him when he collapsed. Coach and Jerri were developing a crush on each other (note: the idea of it makes me want to lose my lunch. It practically makes my skin crawl - YIKES, Jerri. Step down much!?), Courtney and Parvati and Danielle were getting along famously, teasing Jerri about Coach, giggling and tanning. The only stand-out idiot remained Randy, who when Rob desperately tried to remedy the shelter situation, asked Randy, "Can you please cut that?" Randy replied bluntly, "No." And refused to help (and got irritated with Courtney when she tried to help - "She's a bartender from New York. Now she knows construction? *snort*"). And then the Villains won AGAIN.

So as if my happy illusions of the Heroes weren't already fast dissolving with JT earlier making double alliances and telling the camera he wasn't trying to "preserve his Hero name, but win the game" (which I don't have a problem with, per say, it just punctures holes in my sunshine and rainbows Heroes world, LOL) and Rupert and Stephanie bumping heads over... cooking coconut?? (Anyone else noticing Rupe is acting unnaturally cranky? Maybe it's his broken toe??) - Anyways, so as if my idea was already disappearing, it disappeared alot faster as James berated his team immediately following the challenge  for not listening to JT (I agreed with him - at that moment). But then when they got back to camp, he kept going. Still, at that point, I'm not saying he was wrong, yelling about wanting to win and how crappy they'd been preforming lately, but wow, James, calm down. And on top of that, I reeeally fail to see how that was ALL Stephanie's fault (according to James, at least).

I won't go too far into that whole Stephanie issue, but let me just summarize: I love Steph, I think she's intense, but she's great. I love Tom, I love Colby, I was beyond psyched they were aligning, and loved the idea of JT being with them too, and cheering hard core for Candice and Cirie to join that side. I don't understand James' arguement about Stephanie in Palau outlasting her team which equals HER being the problem (um, when it was just Steph and Bobby-Jon, they made fire and Stephanie won? So if Bobby-Jon had won, would James go on a tirade about how HE'S the problem on that tribe?!). I LOVED that Colby jumped to Steph's defense during Tribal when James wouldn't back off and even more when Tom jumped in too. Except then I got all (stupidly) emotional and was all teary eyed, b/c they were all fighting, and the vote was either going to be Amanda or Steph (given the choice I'd pick Steph in a heartbeat tho, to stay, sorry Amanda) and ya. I'm lame, ok? I cried when the vote was for Steph, was pissed at James for his "Shut Your Mouth" to Steph as she tried to edge in the last word, and totally heart-broken that JT had decided to side with Roid-Rage-James, Cranky Rupe and Amanda. *SIGH*

NOW. Past that and on to tonight!

Love, love, love that the Villains got ridiculously tooled in the Challenge. I was hoping Russel would've been able to win a round, but he was against Tom, and I was more cheering for Tom. I love how Cirie just took Jerri out no probs. Coach's celebratory screams were stupid but doubly hilarious when Jeff was trying to yell over him and tell him about his illegal maneuver so his tossing of Rupe didn't count. Um, question, TEMPER much, Coach? Fingering Jeff?!? Nobody fingers Jeff! I kind wish Jeff would've throttled him or tossed him from the challenge or something for that. :P Rob and Colby's match-up was incredibly intense - I thought somebody was going to break something! The absolute best and most hilarious moment was when James just sent Randy flying into the mud. Like that was even kind of a fair match up, but really, who could go against James!? Answer: *crickets* No one. That was a moment I would love to have in an animated gif to see over and over, LOL. Another question tho: what was with James post-Challenge?? I sort of missed what his problem was, just that he was swearing at Randy, Courtney made her Villains comment from the commercials, and then the Heroes team was pulling James away and calming him down. Weird and unnerving. What happened to our Gentle Giant? And that being said: even though that was an outburst, it was hardly to the scale that all the promos were amping it up to be.

Coach's "inspirational" speech was so ridiculous, especially with the silly inspirational music they edited it with. Seriously, the editing this season with the music is so hilariously over the top. Coach and his singing Yoga, Warrior-whatever... Oh man. He's such a bizarre-o piece of work that guy. I certainly wouldn't be sad if they cut him real soon here. Especially since seeing him playing with Jerri's hair in the shelter made me shiver and my stomach turn! LOL.  Which reminds me of Rob. Once again I find myself... liking him. Seriously, if you even knew how MUCH - to what degree I have hated him in the past, on Survivor, on the Amazing Race, everything - this is huge. Like... the sky turning purple and the Hatch blowing up and "WE HAVE TO GO BACK!" huge. ;) Anyways, so Rob. Unfortunately, though I've felt in the past he honestly wasn't as smart as he thinks he is, this time 'round I actually am sort of conceeding he is pretty smart. his comments about the shelter was hilariously brilliant and so true: "I will give you the key to this game: If you want to know who's aligned, look at where people are sleeping in the shelter. You're not going to sleep beside someone you hate or are going to vote off tomorrow." Case and Point: Jerri and Coach were together, Russell and Danielle and Parvati (winner of the most irritating laugh ever award) were together and Randy was by himself.

As for Coach and Rob's comments about Russell and Parvati: please. There is no way Russell is enamored with her (um, he's married for one thing). He knows exactly what he's doing. He would probably cut her out right now if he knew it was the right move. I can't wait to see him blindside Rob and Coach, especially if they think it's him. I desperately want to see that happen! Even Parvati tonight said she trusted Russell despite herself (and despite her comments last week about "making a deal with the devil"). I pretty much loved everybody's comments about Parvati - very funny stuff. Except it was starting to get annoying to watch Parvati flirting and giggling and like oh my gosh-ing with everyone, then everyone in turn going to the camera and trash talking her flirting ("It won't work with me"/"won't fool me"/"swinging her hips"/"batting her lashes"/etc).
Anyways. So while I am SO happy to see Randy's sullen, angry face and royally pessimistic, bitter old man-ness leave, it surely would've been smarter to rid them selves of Parvati "The Virus" Shallow (oh, I laugh everytime I say her last name. It's just way too fitting, isn't it?). Now let's hope the Heroes cane continue to bond and be happy and work together, James tones it down, and Tom and Colby somehow find a new alliance (JT! Come on JT!!) so they survive, because I'll be devastated and crushed if they're gone too soon. :(

Ok! I'm crazy exhausted and must get to bed, so I'll end it there. Later everyone!


tv: survivor, art: avatars, #recap-ish, #rant, art: misc, art: desktops, tv: survivor: heroes vs villains, art: icons

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