Juuuust in case...

Mar 12, 2022 16:49

So it's not like I am good at posting with ever the slightest amount of regularity, haha, and I have been largely absent from my loved online spaces for the past few years because of school and life and all sorts, BUT with all the Stuff going on, I just wanted to follow suit of many of my LJ pals and put up a little "come find me elsewhere" post (esp if LJ goes down for good).

Dreamwidth: red_b_rackham (in horrendous need of updating oops)
tumblr: redrackham87
AO3: red_b_rackham

My emails have not changed, so if you have them, they're still good, if you need them, PM me. ;)

My hope is always to come back around to post things and get my crap together, but more than likely I wil probably suddenly hyperfixate in a fit of procrastinating on something else, and then disappear for months and months on end. XD One of these days I'll connect with y'all about all the STUFF that has gone down the past couple years, but I think I can safely say everyone has had an exceptional amount of STUFF going down one way or another lately, so just know that I miss you and my thoughts go out to you, my every wonderful fandom friend.

Stay safe out there, my darlings. <3 See you out there in 'verse.

-Red Bess

misc, irl, life things

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