A/n: Another WIP Bang art post!! This'll be the last art post for this Bang, though I might come back and post my WIP Bang fic + the art I recieved from Ragna (the fanmix is awesome, you guys, so I need to share it far and wide). Anyways, so for this one, I was first intrigued by the pairing - y'all know how I lov a rare pair. ;P
I originally created a version with TV Cersei and Ned, even though this story takes places decades before the timeline of the show. Then Salazara shared her fabulous fancast version of young Cersei and young Ned, and I loved them! :D (Even better, I was able to find some decent pictures for them, haha.) So the MAIN art is the fancast version, but I thought I'd include the alternate version just for fun, too. ;D
Fic title: Winter is Coming (Hear Me Roar)
Fic summary: Ned Stark and Cersei Lannister are made to marry after the Rebellion ends.
Title Art
Ice Maiden
Alternate Title Art (TV Actors)
Alternate Ice Maiden (TV Actors)
AO3 Art Link:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20169088Fic Link: