WIP Big Bang: Art for "Never Will I Forget The Deep Shadows, Never Will I Waste The Moon’s Light"

Jul 18, 2017 00:49

A/n: My second art entry for wipbigbang! The summary of this fab fic by afteriwake snagged my attention and I had to scoop it up for arting. :D Legit I had SO much fun doing the title art - 'shopping magic into Sherlock and Moriarty's hands, then creating the glow of it on their hands and clothes might've been my fav thing in any Bang art I did this summer. XD I don't even know why, I just was literally giggling with glee over it as I painted and layered and made the glow happen.

I worried about pulling off the awesome visual of the floating, magic/energy filled room when Sherlock loses himself in his violining, but it was such a beautiful moment, I had to try, going with something more visually colorful to represent more of the feel of the moment than what actually physically was "shown", if that makes sense.

Huge thanks to afteriwake for being a lovely, lovely Bang partner! <3

Fic Title: Never Will I Forget The Deep Shadows, Never WIll I Waste The Moon's Light
Fic Summary: The Holmes brothers come from a long line of powerful magic practitioners, but they are forced to keep their skills a secret. When Molly accidentally finds out about Sherlock’s powers and doesn’t turn away from him he slowly realizes that this pleases him, but soon enough he gets careless and is put in a position he would rather not be in, especially when others find out that she knows and attempt to use her as a pawn in their own games and machinations.


Title Art

An Afterthought

Music & Magic


Art AO3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11536599
Fic link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5151359/chapters/11860289

tv: sherlock, wip big bang, art: desktops, *bang art

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