All I Want Is You, Part 2

Oct 21, 2009 21:48

7. Muse

(No idea. AUish. For fun.)
In which George has a talent Izzie didn't know about.

One day she barged into his room late at night without knocking to ask if he had an extra toothbrush she could borrow as she couldn’t find hers or his usual one.

“Hey George - “

“Izzie!” he gasped and moved faster then she’d ever seen him move, tossing clothes into his desk and throwing what she thought was an easel to the floor. “Geez! Knock!”

She blinked in surprise at his terrified expression. “Sorry… is everything… ok? Was that an easel?”

As she leaned slightly to get a better look, he blocked her view subtly. “What, um, what did you need?”

“A toothbrush.”

“Use Meredith’s.”

She smirked. “I’ll use Meredith’s if you show me what you just hid.”

He colored. “Mine’s in the Crest toothpaste box on the right top shelf of the medicine cabinet.”

She stared at him. She knew exactly how much he hated it when she used his toothbrush so whatever he was keeping from her had to be extremely important or extremely embarrassing or both - and now she was dying to know what it was.

“Okay, now I have to know.”

She dodged past him and jumped across the bed giggling as he protested and tried to stop her. There were a few moments of tackling and tickling until she managed to break-free of his grip and made it to what indeed was a small easel. She snatched it up and turned it over to look at it before he could stop her.

Her breath caught in her throat. On the easel were several pictures of her and in the middle, a tentative but obviously well done pencil sketch. She thought she’d known everything there was to know about George, but had had no idea he could draw, let alone draw well. She finally managed to say as much as he fidgeted nervously beside her.

“I… well… I didn’t used to. I only started some time after we got together.” He shrugged. “I really only do it when I feel, um, inspired.” He mumbled, twisting his hands in embarrassment. “Look, I… Iz, I’m sorry, I… it’s weird, I shouldn’t - “

“So I’m your muse?” she faced him smiling, which instantly relaxed him.

“You’re not mad or creeped out that I’ve been drawing you?”

“Maybe if it was a hideous representation.”

“You think it’s good?”

“I think it’s amazing. You’re amazing.” She smiled warmly at him. “And I’m happy to be your muse anytime.” She took a moment to kiss him long and sensually before pulling away just slightly to whisper, “But I really do need a toothbrush.”

George groaned.

As Izzie exited his room, she commented for what was probably the thousandth time that they were dating and kissing for pity sake, so what was the big deal if she used his toothbrush? They exchanged spit all the time! George didn’t hear her though and didn’t offer his usual rebuttal about how a toothbrush was sacred and very personal, as he was busy looking at his sketch and thinking,

She thinks it’s amazing.


8. Magic

(Season 2ish)
In which Izzie discovers a toy in her closet.

George was sitting at the kitchen counter enjoying a cup of coffee (one sugar, no cream) when Izzie bounced in.

“Check it out,” she said as she held a round black item in her hands. “I was cleaning out my closet and look what I found.”

“Is that a Magic 8 Ball?”

“It sure is.”

“Oh wow, I remember those.” George chuckled. “I haven’t seen one in ages. I used to have a friend who believed they always told the truth.”

“They do.”

“Do not.”

“Totally do!” Izzie argued. “See, watch. Am I a great baker?” She shook the 8 Ball then turned it upside down and read the answer with a grin. “Most Definitely.”

“Lucky.” George said and sipped his coffee.

“Is George going to get lucky tonight?” she asked the ball as he spluttered into his mug. “Oh, Doesn’t Look Good! Sorry George.”

“Unfair question!”

Izzie giggled. “I’m telling you, it never lies!”

“Oh ya? Let me try it.” He grabbed the ball from her. “How about: does Izzie secretly have the hots for me?” He shook it vigorously while she rolled her eyes and laughed. “Oh, oh! Yes! Izzie, you secretly want me? I knew my, uh, my manly ways and charm would get you eventually. And you said the ball the never lies.”

“It doesn’t.” she said in a completely deadpan voice.

George stopped laughing.

Izzie leaned forward, closing the distance between the two of them. His heart was hammering in his chest - she does? She wants me? Izzie likes me!? THAT way? - and she held it together for a good few seconds more before bursting into a loud fit of laughter and pulling back to clutch her stomach. “Your… your f-face… oh, your face…” She tried to catch her breath.

“Terrible.” He said. “You’re terrible.”


9. Clean

(Season 3)
In which George has popcorn and has Izzie has cleaning supplies.

George sank down onto the couch and reached for the remote, balancing the bowl of popcorn on his knee while he did so.


He started and the bowl nearly tipped over completely but he managed to catch it before it did and only a few pieces fell out onto the carpet. He turned to see Izzie with one her hand on her hip, looking highly unimpressed.

“I just cleaned, George.” She said hotly. “I just spent the whole day cleaning this house from top to frickin’ bottom, and the first thing you do when you get home is sit down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn. You’re going to get crumbs and greasy fingerprints everywhere - all over Mer’s couch and coffee table - and I just. Cleaned.”

He blinked and then said hesitantly, “I was going to start that movie we rented yesterday. Popcorn was necessary.”

She sighed dramatically and looked down at the bucket of cleaning supplies in her other hand.

He waited uncertainly for a response. He smiled widely when with a loud thud, she left the bucket in the hallway where it landed and came to join him, snuggling up close and proceeding to jame a large handful of buttery microwave popcorn popcorn into her mouth.

“Greasy fingerprints and crumbs…?” he began.

She shrugged. “She needs knew furniture anyway.”


10. Secret

(Season 3 - 3x19)
In which Izzie struggles with something unexpected.

“This’ll be our secret.” He said and left the locker room.

A secret she would do her best her keep. But the other part of the secret - the part even he did not know - was that she knew it wasn’t just a drunk mistake. She knew she felt something for him that she’d never felt before - not with him, not with anyone else. It was right, it was scary, it was intense and beautiful and… secret.

She didn’t know how she was supposed to look Callie in the eye, knowing that she’d slept with Callie’s husband. She didn’t know how to get through the day, carrying the burden that she’d managed to join the Dirty Mistress Club. She didn’t know how to act anymore, knowing that something had changed inside her - something big.

She didn’t know how to keep the fact that she’d fallen in love with her best friend a secret.


11. Superstition

In which George and Izzie break a glass.

They couldn’t really afford a house, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that it was theirs, together.

She loved buying things together to fill up their home. He loved seeing how excited she got about picking the color of the towels for the master bathroom. She loved unpacking all the boxes and he loved helping her set things up.

When they were painting the kitchen, she accidentally knocked a glass of the counter. He told her not to worry because they had plenty of other glasses and besides, he’d read that when newlyweds break a dish in their first house it was supposed to be good luck. She said it sounded like a silly superstition and they continued painting.

It must have been true, however, as thirty years later they were still going strong.


12. Fantasy

(Season 3, 3x19ish)
In which George has trouble keeping his mind in the present.

It’s a game he used to play when he was young, whenever his family would move into a new house. He would lay on his bed, shut his eyes and imagine the room he used to have in the old house. He would imagine it as clear as he could until he’d practically convinced himself that that was what he would see upon opening his eyes. Then he would open them and look at his surroundings and either feel a happy jolt because the new place was better than the old or a wave of sadness and disappointment when he missed the old place.

It’s a game he’s trying to play in reverse now. Instead of trying hard to imagine what isn’t there, he’s trying to keep his mind grounded on what is there.

When he shuts his eyes, images of Izzie and her sensational figure bombard him. Unbidden, images of what has been and what could be flood past his eyes and saturate his imagination. He can see her lying beside him on the bed, smiling and talking to him in her gorgeous Izzie way.

He has to try very hard to remind himself that the warm body next to his is Callie’s, his wife’s. He has to forcefully imagine her and when he opens his eyes, he tries not to feel that wave of sadness and disappointment.


13. Test

(Season 1-2)
In which Meredith and Izzie ask George some questions.

He didn’t know whether it was actually an argument or a playful debate, only that it had been going for quite some time. He could hear the noise of raised voices as he read the comics section of the newspaper and ate his cereal.

Eventually they came downstairs, talking now in low voices. He didn’t pull himself away from his newspaper until they entered the kitchen and addressed him.

“George, we have a question for you.” said Izzie at once.

“Okay?” he swiveled on the stool to face her and Meredith.

“Which is worse: kissing a girl and not telling her you like her or not kissing her but telling her you like her?”

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked from Meredith to Izzie and back again, sure whatever answer he gave would get him in trouble with one or both of the girls before him. “Is this a trick question?”

“Just answer.” Izzie prompted.

“Well,” he began hesitantly, unsure which was the answer he should be giving. “If it was me… and I’m not answering for anyone but me right now… but… I think that if I’m not kissing her, but I, uh, I like her, then… I’m probably just taking it slow. Kissing, but not saying anything… um, sounds maybe a bit like… using her or maybe, um, maybe going too fast? Or something?”

Meredith seemed satisfied as she shot Izzie a rather triumphant smile. Izzie looked a bit irritated bit ignored her and plowed on.

“Okay then, which is better for a guy to do with a girl? Being all cool and avoidy or being plain and honest?”

He shifted uneasily. “Look, is this a test?”

“Pick one.”

He bit his lip then said, “Honest is better than avoidy.”

This time Izzie looked smug while Meredith turned sulky.

“And which is more attractive: red or blue?”

“For what?” he asked. “For who?”

“Red or blue?” Meredith prodded impatiently.

“Um… blue, I guess?”

“Hah!” Izzie grinned and Meredith crossed her arms. The pair left the kitchen and headed back upstairs, continuing whatever they’d been arguing or talking about before.

More than a bit bewildered, with a sigh and a shake of his head, he resumed reading the comics and eating his cereal (which had grown unpleasantly soggy). He never found out what that had been all about nor what they were still arguing about. He figured he was probably better off not knowing anyway.


Thanks for reading! :D


fanfiction, tv: grey's anatomy, ship: george/izzie, fic, writing

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