Marvel Bang: Art for "10,000 Miles to Home" by paleogymnast

Nov 15, 2016 14:39

A/n: For my second art excursion in the marvel_bang, I did art for the lovely paleogymnast (who awesomely arted for a whole bunch of people this Bang, as well as writing a fic!). The story is about Natasha and Laura on the run, protecting the Barton kids, in the wake of the Sokovia Accords and Clint getting stashed in The Raft. Luckily, Linda Cardinelli has been in a few recent things, so it was easier to find some decent pictures of her than I thought it was going to be. ;D

Fic Title: 10,000 Miles to Home
Fic Summary: The Sokovia Accords didn’t stop with the Avengers. The goal of the accords was to ensure the registration of every enhanced individual everywhere in the world, regardless of age, occupation, or country of origin, and using a very flexible definition of enhanced. So when Steve Rogers broke the Avengers out of the Raft, Secretary Ross and UN forces sought to strike back at their families… only it didn’t quite go as planned. This is the story of Laura Barton and Natasha Romanoff on the run with Lila, Cooper, and Nathaniel Barton, and moving towards reunification. Ross really should have known not to mess with Black Widow. He really should have known not to go after Laura Barton.


Title Art


I've Got A Bad Feeling About This...

Art Link (AO3):
Fic Link:

character: natasha romanoff, movie: avengers, *bang art, marvel bang, red pretends she can do manips

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