Yuletide Letter - 2015

Oct 17, 2015 21:01

Dear beautiful Author,

So this is my very first Yuletide! I somehow have been very active in fanfic for something like 10 years and yet managed to never hear about Yuletide until just this past summer. I’m excited to join in finally (and admittedly totally nervous because I’m worried about messing something up XD).

These are just ideas and guidelines and if the muse takes you somewhere else, go for it! I apologize in advance if this is a lot - optional details are optional - so don’t let this cramp your style and please don’t feel pressured in any way!! You are magnificent human for doing this, in any capacity. :D

General Likes/Dislikes

Let’s do the bad first and get it out of the way...

Do Not Want:

I do not like horror (gore, extreme violence, psychological, slasher, pretty much anything you’d classify as horror - suspenseful is okay/encouraged, horror is not), kinky/super explicit sex. I do not enjoy slash or implied slash, incest, threesomes/moresomes, old/young/cross-generational ships, mpreg, infidelity. I don’t generally enjoy high school/college AUs, rock band AUs, and would rather not receive genderswap, de-aged fic, kid fic, pregnant fic, fics focused on kids (canon or not) - just not interesting to me! Also, preferably no pure smut/PWP (I’m very picky about what smut I read - some smut is totally okay as long as it’s not super graphic or lengthy).

Lastly, no non-con/rape, abuse, suicide, extended torture, extra extra dark stuff. I am totally good with dark and plenty of angst, just not super graphic or relentlessly dark with no hope.


Likes: I like a lot.

I looove soul-crushing angst, squee-inducing fluff, sarcastic humor, witty banter, broships, flirting, sass & snark, hopeful endings, unexpected friendship/broship, UST with a payoff, and gen fic - these are the things that give me life. ;) Rip my heart out or make me laugh and you’ll win (if you can do both, I’ll love you even more).

I love gen fic as much as het shippy fic!! I also enjoy apocalypse fic, basically every genre (except horror), hurt/comfort, friendship, spy/heist, emotion & buckets of feels, death fic, pranks & shenanigans, slow burn, 5+1, old/young friendship/mentorship, character-centric/character study. Making dark fandoms light & fluffy and making light fandoms dark & feelsy (ie apocalypse).

Time travel. I am a freaking sucker for literally anything time travel related. I love Groundhog Dog AUs and time loop shenanigans.

I am totally cool with tropes. I quite enjoy sitcom-y tropes (like fake dating) and typical situational sitcom shenanigans. I also enjoy: enemies to lovers, best friends to lovers, in love and everybody knows it but them, have to share a bed, stranded, we both are here to kill the same person oops, accidentally in love, found family, protective characters, I hate you stop saving my life.

I love crossovers. I’m totally down for AUs: canon AUs (what if this did/did not happen) or total AUs: assassins/thieves/spies, fairytale, coffeeshop, 40s detective/noir, Supernatural (monster hunters) being some particular favs. I'm good with fusions. I love falling in love fics much more than established relationship fics, but I am not going to say no for a second to like, Sunday breakfasts and sleepy kisses and food fight type scenarios. XD

tl;dr summary: sass, time travel, angst + humor/banter, unexpected broship, yes to tropes, yes to shippy or gen.

Fandom Specific

(it was so hard to pick just 6 oh gosh - so many wonderful options!) Note for all: non-canon scenarios just as welcome as canon scenarios, as long as nothing is OOC.

Man From U.N.C.L.E. -Anything. I thoroughly enjoyed the banter and unexpected reluctant broship between Illya & Napoleon, just as much as I enjoyed the sort of UST thing between Gaby & Illya. I'd be down for exploring these relationships in any amount, casefic, spy shenanigans - just plenty of banter and sass, no matter what. Action, adventure, feels, I hate you so stop saving my life, Waverly being 1000% done, post-movie, pre-movie... anything. Bonus points if the focus is on Illya. Double bonus if the fic involves the boys trying to one up each other (whether subtlely or not) and Gaby trumps them. Triple bonus points for other fandom spies crossing over here.

Happy Endings - I adore the humor on this show. I love all of the characters so I am totally down with seeing any of them in any combination - top favs are Dave, Penny, Jane. I ship Dave/Penny the most. Penny's guy-of-the-week stuff is endlessly funny, as is the roommate shenanigans that go on with Dave and Max (and Brad). I would to see any number of typical sitcom tropes/situational nonsense involving any/all, especially if it involves Penny and Dave in any shippy scenario! (I love them platonically as well, so feel free to do gen here too). Basically any form of pranks & shenanigans, misunderstandings, sitcommy tropes, best friends to lovers, accidentally in love, etc. Also so very down with doing something unexpectedly dark, angsty, apocalyptic, uncommon/non-canon pair, whatever (as long as a slice of banter/show typical hilarity remains in some form).

Better Off Ted - I love this show's quirk and it's parody of office life. Ted and Veronica are my fav characters, but I love all the main cast as well as plenty of the smaller/side characters. I ship Ted/Linda primarily, but I also enjoy Ted/Veronica (romantic or friends with benefits or platonic broship). I love Phil and Lem's BFFery. Pretty much like with Happy Endings, I would love to see any show typical hilarity/quirk/situations - pranks & shenanigans, sitcommy tropes, misunderstandings, etc. Whatever your devious mind can come up with. ;)

Sleepy Hollow - Basically, Ichabod gives me life. I would love to see him as the focus - whether it's something humorous with him bumbling around the modern day and raging over modern things (or making issues out of things that really shouldn't be issues XD), or if it's him being a BAMF and a smarty pants and taking out beasties, stopping the/another apocalypse, or something intense and actiony or feelsy, or something shippy (angsty/UST or fluff or both). Dark, light, both - I'm in. :D I love Abbie and Jenny (especially Jenny - her sass is amazing). I ship Ichabod/Abbie (platonic or romantic) as well as Ichabod/Katrina, and I love Ichabod/Jenny broship and/or Katrina/Jenny broship. Something with Katrina and Ichabod struggling in the modern world is welcome. I prefer Frank and Abraham in smaller doses (tho bring on the Horseman and/or any nasty creatures to be fought!!). There isn't really a character I dislike, so use whoever! If there is any crossing over (big, medium, or small) with this and Supernatural and/or Grimm, the amount of bonus points you would win from me would be endless. ;D

Revenge - The number one thing I wanted from the show was seeing Nolan and Emily riding off into the sunset in the end so I would looove to see something like that - platonic or romantic, I'm good either way. They are defs my two favs, but I also super loved Aiden. I enjoyed Victoria, Daniel, Conrad, Louise, Ben. Jack is all right but not as interesting to me as the others (same with Margeaux and David Clarke). Not a big fan of Charlotte, Declan, and Amanda. Hated Tyler and Ashley. I ship Emily/Aiden, Emily/Nolan, Louise/Nolan, Emily/Daniel. I am up for pretty much anything you feel like doing in this fandom!! Light/humor, dark, angst, any genre, shippy, gen, AU, etc. Pre-show: Emily and Aiden training and falling in love. During the show: anything with Emily and Nolan (Aiden if you want) taking people down. Saving each other's lives. I'd also totally be in for something where Emily and Victoria (or Emily anyone, tbh) get into some tropey "I hate you so stop saving my life" scenario. Post show: anything focused on Nolan and Emily. AUs and non-canon scenarios always welcome.

Terminator: Genisys - There's a whole new timeline here, so go nuts, use it, change it (who sent Pops back? Did they really stop Judgement Day? Did they just delay it?). Post movie or in-movie stuff with Kyle feels as he comes to terms with what happened, with the moment in the hospital where John explained who he was. Stuff with Sarah and Kyle trying to navigate having feelings for each other and what that means for their future. Complications and angst and feels - pile them on. I also would love to see things with Sarah and Pops pre-movie - him training her, her dealing with what her future is supposed to be. If you've seen The Sarah Connor Chronicles, any Derek Reese appearance will win you a pile of virtual cookies. Did I mention I love time travel? Timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly stuff of any description is very welcome. Action, another apocalypse, banter... anything, really. :D

Thank you so much, My Darling Writer, for whatever you come up with! I am sure it will be glorious and you are wonderful for doing it. :D I can’t wait to see what you do! Thank you, thank you in advance!! <333

In the event that you need some advice on me and my likes and what not all, feel free to contact the lovely stars-inthe-sky who knows my tastes pretty well. :D Lastly, here is where you can find me and my stuff if you need/want to:

AO3: red_b_rackham
FF.net: Red Bess Rackham
tumblr: redrackham87

~Red Bess

yuletide, fanfiction, yuletide letter, fic, writing

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