Le Big Ol' Fic Round Up!

Jan 03, 2014 14:20

It's been a while since I posted here - I've had a lot going on, both real life and elsewhere online. My newest addiction is the Beta Branch forum, where a bunch of fantastic people and fantastic writers share their fics for beta-ing, and we flail about TV and movies and Avengers and stuff. It's the best, I love it! But it does take up a ton of my time, as I enjoy posting and betaing for everybody on there and I am not a fast beta, lol.

OH. AND SUPERNATURAL. More specifically, Dean Winchester. I'm halfway through season 4, and I cannot love Dean more. I am obsessed with his face. (And one of these days I'll have to do a TV update of sorts - so many things have been watched. Torchwood, Buffy, Angel... new shows like Sleepy Hollow, Almost Human...)

Anyways, in other news, HAPPY NEW YEAR and stuff! Hopefully I can around to posting here a bit more often, as I don't want to neglect my LJ. ;D

In the meantime, because I haven't done one in aaaages, here is a fic update. Oh! And I'm on AO3 now, so you can now conveniently read me on FF and AO3. If you prefer to read on AO3, here's a link to me profie: http://archiveofourown.org/users/red_b_rackham . (I don't have every fic up on there, but I do have a number of them, and add anything new I post there at the same time I post on FF). Last time I did a fic update was like 2011 (whoa. whoops.), so this might be lengthy, lol.

Since there's a lot, I'm gonna divide them by fandom.


Title: Win One For The Reaper
Summary: The piemaker's life has become a living hell and the worst part is, it's his own fault for being so selfish. T for dark theme and character death.
Characters and/or Ships: Ned/Chuck, a little bit of everyone
Genre: angst, tragedy
Rating: PG-13 / T


Title: Then There's You
Summary: It's a part of the job, they all know that. That doesn't mean they really think it will happen to them. Suddenly finding themselves on the run, Sarah and Devon learn to cope with tragedy. T for implied violence and themes. Sarah/Devon.
Characters and/or Ships: Sarah/Devon, Casey
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort
Rating: PG-13 / T


Title: The Same Mistake Pandora Made
Summary: Every once in a while, something comes along that you know is a mistake. But it is a mistake you have to make. James/Bellatrix. For absolutelybatty.
Characters and/or Ships: James/Bellatrix, a little bit of Sirius
Genre: drama, romance, sorta angst
Rating: PG-13 / T

Title: The Last Time
Summary: He always says that this is the last time. Harry/Pansy. For the_woods_.
Characters and/or Ships: Harry/Pansy, mentions of Draco and Ginny.
Genre: romance, hurt/comfort
Rating: PG-13 / T
(*these two were written for rarepair_shorts.)


Title: Lucky Stars
Summary: When 20-something Alexis comes home from college and begins interning at the precinct, Ryan struggles with some unexpected emotions - and the threat of a grisly death at the hands of Castle if he acts on them. Ryan/Alexis. Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: Ryan/Alexis, Castle, Esposito
Genre: humor, romance, gen
Rating: PG


Title: The Physical Contact Trice Impossibility
Summary: Sheldon doesn't like to be touched for a number of reasons. But this... this is different and he's not sure why. Slight S/P. Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: Sheldon/Penny, a sort of appearance by Leonard
Genre: eh, barely romance, humor-ish
Rating: G - PG

(*wow. This just goes to show just how long it's been since I've done a fic round-up! I stopped watching this show after season 4, because it just annoyed me too much. I really enjoyed the first few seasons, but then it felt like as soon as it got popular, they forgot how to be clever, and then they started overusing anything remotely funny - beating a dead horse, etc. Plus don't get me started on freaking Leonard. And the absolutely beyond irritating way they were trying to write him and Penny as a couple.)


(*last spring/summer, kolms held a ficathon for HG, called the Girl on Fire ficathon. I had been going through a major writing dry spell, and the ficathon totally snapped me out of it in the best way. Not only was it tons of fun, but there was a bajillion prompts (many of which I saved and hoarded for later), I wrote a whole bunch of things, and everybody else's things they wrote were GLORIOUSLY quality!! Anyways, so here's a crapton of HG ficcage from me, from that. :D And you'll also notice I have a mad obsession with Katniss/Gale.)

Title: Change Your Mind
Summary: Everything's different between them since she got back from the Games and he'd like to know where her true feelings lay. Katniss/Gale. Wee oneshot. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Katniss/Gale
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: G / PG

Title: Dart For My Sweetheart
Summary: When Gale is grabbed in the Capitol, he wants Katniss to uphold their agreement. Spoilers for Mockingjay; AU. Gale/Katniss. Wee oneshot. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Katniss/Gale
Genre: angst, tragedy, drama
Rating: barely T, for character death

Title: If I Didn't Care
Summary: Maybe it makes him a horrible person, but Gale can't help it: sometimes he wishes he never cared about Katniss. That way, maybe it wouldn't hurt so much to watch. Gale/Katniss. Wee oneshot. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Gale, Gale/Katniss
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: G / PG

Title: Watching For The Fallout
Summary: Katniss doesn't cry, doesn't let go. Except when she thinks no one is watching. Gale/Katnis. Wee oneshot. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Katniss/Gale
Genre: friendship, comfort, very slight romance if you squint
Rating: G / PG

Title: And How Did We Get Here
Summary: It was like walking through a candy-colored temple laced with a thousand different ways to kill you. And there's the problem: how do you find them without setting them off? Gale/Katniss, Oneshot, AU. Spoilers for MJ. T for minor language and character death.
Characters and/or Ships: Katniss/Gale
Genre: tragedy, angst
Rating: PG-13 / T for character death and minor language

Title: Between Shadows
Summary: An encounter on the train between Haymitch and Katniss almost turns into something more. Haymitch/Katniss, Oneshot. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Haymitch/Katniss
Genre: angst, drama
Rating: PG

Title: Just Me With Just You
Summary: Because Gale is the one person in her life who has never asked her for anything, never asked her to be something she's not. Gale/Katniss, wee oneshot. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Katniss/Gale
Genre: friendship, barely romance
Rating: G

Title: Spies Like Us
Summary: Spies AU. Agents Everdeen, Mellark and Hawthorne are on a mission to take down the newly elected President and expose his corrupt dealings. All they have to do is get in, get out, and not get caught... Oneshot. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Haymitch, Snow
Genre: AU, spy/heist, adventure, gen, friendship, humor
Rating: T, barely, for some language
(*this one was hard, but so fun, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out in the end. Plus Gale as a spy is just such a sexy idea, no?)

Title: No Way To Reach Me
Summary: Katniss hasn't seen him in more than a year when he shows up on her doorstep in the middle of a storm, soaked and shivering. This is about the bombs. Katniss/Gale friendship, Oneshot. Spoilers for Mockingjay. Minor language.
Characters and/or Ships: Katniss/Gale
Genre: angstangstangst, friendship, romance if you squint
Rating: PG

Title: Ashes to Ashes
Summary: He promised it was only for a little while, for the future. But then one day Gale doesn't come home and she can't stop thinking of her father. Katniss/Gale. Post-Mockingjay AU. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Katniss/Gale
Genre: tragedy, drama, romance, angst
Rating: PG

Title: Tomorrow Will Be Kinder
Summary: Maybe it was odd that they grew closer after everything that happened, but he didn't see it that way. He saw two people just trying to make it through the day in the aftermath. Gale/Annie. Spoilers for Mockingjay. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Gale/Annie, mentions of Katniss, Finnick
Genre: hurt/comfort, friendship, romance
Rating: PG

Title: Dead Already
Summary: Cato realizes that these Games aren't his to win. For the Girl on Fire ficathon. Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: Cato, slightly Cato/Katniss
Genre: angst, drama
Rating: PG

Title: The Way Out
Summary: Suddenly he doesn't see another tribute about to kill him or be killed, he sees a way out. Katniss and Cato are the last two standing, and he realizes he can finally, just this once, choose his own fate. For the Girl on Fire ficathon. Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: Cato, Katniss, and slightly Cato/Katniss
Genre: drama, tragedy, angst
Rating: PG

Title: The Ruler & The Killer, Baby
Summary: "I'm going to kill you, you know," he says in a low, dangerous voice. "If I don't kill you first." She replies, ice cold. Cato hates her, he wants her, and he especially wants her dead. Cato/Katniss, dark AU. For the Girl on Fire ficathon.
Characters and/or Ships: Cato/Katniss
Genre: AUish, dark, drama-ish, romance if you can call it that - more like angry, possessive lust and hate
Rating: T for language

Title: Prisoners of War
Summary: At least with her, he doesn't have to waste away alone. Haymitch/Johanna. (PG-13 for language and general fandom darkness.) For deathmallow.
Characters and/or Ships: Haymitch/Johanna, mentions of Katniss and Blight
Genre: angst, friendship, romance if you squint
Rating: PG-13 / T for strong language


Title: Don't Tell Me If I'm Dying
Summary: In 1969, J wants to know what happened to K that changed him so deeply, but whatever it is, it hasn't happened yet. J finds out soon enough, however, and remembers what K said about not asking question he didn't really want to know the answers to. Spoilers for Men in Black 3 - alternate ending. T for minor language.
Characters and/or Ships: Agent J, Agent K, Agent O
Genre: sci-fi, tragedy, drama, friendship
Rating: PG-13 / T for minor language


Title: Hanging By A Gossamer Thread
Summary: After Kate goes on the run, Jack realizes he needs a fresh start, so he heads to Seattle, where Addison is looking for the same thing. As their friendship blooms, she begins to rethink her decision to move to LA, while he struggles to overcome his past. Complete. [23 chapters]
Characters and/or Ships: Jack/Addison, Jack/Kate, with slight Addison/Mark, Addison/Derek; most Grey's characters appear, a handful of Losties make cameos.
Genre: romance, drama, friendship, humor, angst, tragedy
Rating: T, for some language and character death (spoilery trigger warning: suicide)

(aka my bbs, my loves, my obsession)

Title: A New Way To Bleed
Summary: "Okay. So they're blocking Thor's magic, they stopped Bruce from Hulking out, you can't walk and Tony can't talk." In which the team is incapacitated and Clint would like to know how the hell he's supposed to get them out of this one.
Characters and/or Ships: Clint, Steve, and solid doses of everybody else
Genre: angst, suspense, team!fic, mystery-ish
Rating: T for some language, torture themes

Title: The Definition & Overuse of 'Nice'
Summary: In which Tony sorta misled Pepper about the caliber of the restaurant, and Pepper's kinda pissed about it. Tony/Pepper, Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: Tony/Pepper
Genre: humor, romance
Rating: PG

Title: Five Times Phil Coulson Saved Them
Summary: Sometimes, the team members need help. This is five times Phil Coulson saved them... and one time they saved him.
Characters and/or Ships: Phil, the team, Fury, Hill
Genre: action, adventure, humor, gen, team!fic, hurt/comfort
Rating: PG-13 / T

Title: The One With The Cake At The End
Summary: One evening, Bruce and Thor find themselves alone in the Tower, bored with nothing to do (they're all caught up on Game of Thrones). Bruce suggests they bake a cake. Pointless fluff, Bruce & Thor friendship/bonding (no slash). Team dynamics, Domestic Avengers. Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: Bruce, Thor, rest of the team
Genre: broship, friendship, bonding, fun, pointless gen fluff
Rating: G

Title: So Let Me Go Under
Summary: An Avenger is killed on a mission, and the remaining team members have to figure out how to move forward. Clint/Natasha -centric. For Het Big Bang 2013. (T for semi-graphic descriptions, heavy themes, moderate language.) [3 chapters]
Characters and/or Ships: Natasha/Clint, team in the background
Genre: angst, tragedy, friendship, drama, romance, hurt/comfort
Rating: PG-13 / T for semi-graphic descriptions, heavy themes, moderate language

Title: Void
Summary: They are supposed to save the world - they're not supposed to die trying. Clint struggles with Natasha's decision. Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: Clint/Natasha
Genre: tragedy, angst, drama, character death
Rating: PG

(*this is a mini-series with Jim Caviezel and Ian McKellan. If you've never seen it, look it up and watch it, right now. It's a major mind-melt.)

Title: I Am Not A Number
Summary: Two is playing mindgames - or is he? Six struggles to keep his grip on reality, especially when he's not sure which reality is real. (Alternate series ending; Oneshot.)
Characters and/or Ships: Six, Two
Genre: drama, angst, mind games
Rating: PG


Title: A Funny Thing Happened in the Med Bay
Summary: McCoy returns to the med bay after everything that happened, and finds quite a surprise waiting for him. MAJOR SPOILERS FOR INTO DARKNESS. Drabble, oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: McCoy
Genre: humor
Rating: G

Title: The Land Between Solar Systems
Summary: When Enterprise is asked to rescue a group of space-storm chasers, they get more then they bargained for. Kirk and McCoy's friendship is tested when old wounds are reopened, while someone else is bent on ensuring Enterprise never reaches Earth... (T for language, minor violence, some heavy themes. No slash.) Complete. [18 chapters]
Characters and/or Ships: McCoy/OC, Kirk/OC, all Trek characters
Genre: adventure, drama, romance, humor, sci-fi
Rating: PG-13 / T  for some language, minor violence, character deaths/heavy themes

Title: Freaked Out, Insecure, Neurotic & Emotional
Summary: Jim keeps saying he's fine, but McCoy knows he's anything but. (McCoy & Kirk friendship, major spoilers for Into Darkness.) Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: McCoy, Kirk, tiny bit of Spock
Genre: friendship, slightly angst
Rating: PG

Title: Lay Me Down on the Cold, Cold Ground
Summary: Scotty gets roped into fixing the busted transporter, which is fine and dandy until it goes off in the middle of repairs and drops him somewhere unexpected and unpleasant. When he becomes stranded there, Scotty decides it's definitely the worst day off he has ever had. Oneshot.
Characters and/or Ships: Scotty, Sulu, a little Kirk, Uhura, McCoy & Scotty/Gaila
Genre: adevnture, friendship, broship
Rating: PG


Title: Butterfly Wings
Summary: They all leave their mark on him. In nine-hundred-something years, it's impossible for people, humans, aliens and beings to not leave an impression. It's just that some are deeper than others. (Nine, Ten, Rose, Martha, Jack, Donna.)
Characters and/or Ships: Nine, Ten, Rose, Martha, Jack, Donna; general Doctor/Rose
Genre: friendship, romance, drama, angst
Rating: G


Title: Lose Your Soul
Summary: Dean is flippant and casual about dying. Sam has had enough. Oneshot. [takes place during season 3; speculation.]
Characters and/or Ships: Sam, Dean, and a Bobby cameo
Genre: angst, family, tragedy, adventure, drama
Rating: PG-13 / T for language and hevay themes

There we go! Hopefully I can be a little more consistent in posting these, heh.


fanfiction, fic: crossover, ficathon, fic: hanging by a gossamer thread, fic, *fic round up, writing

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