Inevitable Procrastination Post

Jun 18, 2013 17:07

Another year, another Het Bang sign up. Before I get going on that, a few things: this entry will contain pointless Het Bang ramblings. I was going to spew about some Game of Thrones stuff, but I have a feeling that's going to get long, or in any event, should be a separate entry, so I will do that sometime.

So yes, I signed up for the Het Bang again. I'm sure ther's an entry somewhere with me being all "NOT NEXT YEAR" and I really, really was going to hold myself to that, I really was! See, last year when I was in the throws of that Star Trek story (which, this far away from the process of writing it, I don't think it turned out half bad. Altho for some reason it continually is mind-blowing lacking for reviews on It's getting better, but for a while there, It had something like 5 000 hits, 15 chapters and NINE reviews. Whut??), I made a promise both to myself and my parents that next summer instead of doing another Big Bang, I would actually work on something original - an idea I have had for years. I even got out the notebook and old dusty word docs and started jotting ideas and stuff. At the same time, I have this Avengers fic idea that is massive and wildly ambitious (and is either going to be actually epic and awesome or a complete mess, but we'll see). So I also started working on that - outlining a bit, trying to compile the directions I has going on.

Inevitably, more fic plot bunnies came out of the woodwork. The sign-ups for authors opened. I refused, and refused... I signed up as an artist, plannign to do a whole pile of art this year (maybe 4 or more people? We'll see how it goes - I don't want to hog things or be greedy) in lieu of fic writing. And I started working on one of the various plot bunnies I had swirling - it would porbably but not much more than a drabble, maybe a short oneshot. And it started growing, and I thought, alright, a long oneshot. Maybe a few chapters long. And then it started getting shippy. My cousin was like, "Well, if it's shippy, and could be 10k, you could do a Little Bang." Ya, well, twist my rubber arm - resistance gone, I signed up for the Little Bang.

Since then, I basically pounded out roughly 80% of the fic within weeks of signing up. It blasted past the 5k mark, the 8k mark... I struggled with some of the villain-of-the-week stuff I had going on towards the beginning, tossed it all out, started that part again, and then flew past 10k. At this point, I'm sitting darn close to 15k and keep wondering if this is going to multiply into a Big Bang. That being said, I'm fairly certain it won't. I have a handful of gaps that I can't seem to close just yet, but I doubt will add much to the word count, and I'm at a loss as to how to end the thing - again, shouldn't add much to the word count. I predict I'll end up with perhaps 17-19k. (It is honestly SO tempting to find something else in it to add so I can crack into 25k and make it a Big Bang, so I can get art :D BUT I know I cannot force it and I'm fairly certain there's nothing to add. So unless some bunny naturally crops up in the meantime, I'll just be working on plugging those gaps).

And oh golly guys, this fic. It's SO depressing. The basic premise is that one of the Avengers dies, and the rest have to deal. It started as single image appearing in my brain, and just the mere image was devastating to my soul and I refused to write it. But fellow writers, you know how it is. Sometimes an idea or image takes up residence after appearing and gnaws continuously until you get it out via writing it. *le sigh* I have made myself cry a couple times while writing it, ugh.

So that OTHER Avengers fic I mentioned earlier - the big messy complicated one. I've already told some people about it, but here's the barest bones premise: there's a bomb... a time bomb. The Avengers are called in to stop it... and It goes off. And I can't tell you any more specifics because it's going to be awesome. Hopefully. Except as I was trying to work on it this week (having sent off my Little Bang to my beta for some help, and meanwhile taking a break from it), I find myself getting repeatedly overwhelmed by it. It's just so HUGE. Like... it's going to essentially be roughly seven stories in one massive fic, all intertwined. As an aside, I did not sign up with this fic as a Big Bang because it's not shippy at all. There may be hints of ship here and there, but I plan to make it almost entirely Gen/Action/Adventure/Mystery -ish.

Anyways, so this best, nicknamed TimeBomb or TB until I come up with an actual title. There is going to be colossal amounts of research involved. Which to be clear, I'm not opposed to, I just want this story done so I can read it. I'm wary of the effort that's going to go into it, especially if it doesn't work/ends up being no good, because you know, it's awesome in my head. I'm sort of straddling the line between JUST WRITE WHATEVER and GET EVERY LITTLE THING FIGURED OUT FIRST. It's times like these when I feel like I need a wall-sized white board to scribble on and draw arrows and erase and whatever else. Also a person to just fire questions at or for them to grab my face and tell me to focus and what to focus on. UGH.

I think... I think what I do legit need to do is pick one of these seven pie pieces to work on, near exclusively. And when it's like 80% done or something, then I can switch focus to the next one and so on, and once all seven are mostly done, then I can come in and sew them together like a quilt. Except I don't sew. And I don't really bake either. And you don't sew pie. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Anyways. Considering I am staying home from work today b/c of monthly reasons (ya, it's that bad. Sorry, TMI?), and promised myself I would get something done, I should get something done.


het big bang, fanfiction, *procrastination, #irrelevant rambling, writing

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