Who Update

Mar 11, 2013 17:18

Ok, I AM CAUGHT UP. Practically just in time, as I believe it comes back on March 31?

So at the moment, I still feel raw and depressed after what happened to Amy & Rory. I KNEEEWWW something was going to happen, and soon, firstly because they kept talking about needing to choose between real life and Doctor life, and like all the foreshadowing with Rose (*sob*) and Donna (*sob*), I had the uneasy feeling that something was going to make the decision for them. Plus Amy is the Girl Who Waited and Rory is the Guy Who Died and Died Again (something to that effect) and some alien made it sound like he was going to die AGAIN and anyways. Needless to say I watched each episode of season 7 with great trepidation. And then "Angels Take Manhattan" happened and ohmyword the tears, guys. (Oh and the other reason why I knew something intense was going happen was I saw here and there on the web people making comments about "Post-Pond Depression". I UNDERSTAND.) I will admit that I feel less depressed overall with the Amy/Rory thing because at least they ended up together, whereas Rose was trapped in a parallel universe unable to be with Doctor and Donna had her memory erased, so the depression was much more sharp and long-lasting, lol. That being sad, the way Eleven reacted to losing Amy was absolutely soul-crushing.

I'm not certain I've cried harder than when I watched End of Time. So many things, I don't even know where to begin. The way Ten was, and then Wilf, and the universe, and the knocking, and him saying goodbye... Ya, see, tearing up just thinking about it all again. A;KSJHFAS;KDJ.

SO! Seasons 5 & 6! I loved Amy's introduction and she is fantastic. Again, her personality and dynamic with the Doctor was completely different from anyone else, so it was good to sort of help me transition from losing Donna and Ten, lol. I LOVE Rory. I adore him and his face, and his comments, and the way he loves Amy, and the way he just is. He is so, so great. The episode where he died and was sucked into the crack in the universe = me sobbing. The episode where he showed up as a Roman and Amy didn't remember him = me sobbing. Him finding out he's made of plastic and basically shooting Amy = me sobbing. Him being the Centuarian who guarded Amy/the Pandorica for 2000 years = YOU GUESSED IT: ME SOBBING.

River Song is so great but there simply is not enough of her. HELLO SWEETIE. I triumphant b/c I guessed in her first appearance that she was his wife (or would be later), and I love how River and Eleven keep missing each other in the timeline, it's earlier for her and later for him and vice versa. However, I have to admitted I was disappointed by their "wedding". It didn't feel like they'd had enough time together directly to fall in love - she said she loved him, but in her timeline, it still seemed so early for her/too short a time (granted, Martha fell for him pretty much instantly) - plus I didn't really feel like he necessarily loved her. I realize their wedding was more to save the universe/set things right then about love, but I had been expecting/hoping for more. Plus I definitely assumed she would be his companion at some point (maybe she still will a season or more from now?).

AND NOW WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT RIVER IS MELODY WHO IS AMY AND RORY'S DAUGHTER. COUNT ME DEAD. I completely freaked out. I never in my life would have called that until literally the scene it was happening. "Is she like...?? No... she's acting like... WAIT. HOLD THE PHONE. IS SHE MELODY POND?! *Amy reads the translated name, everything becomes clear and I become completely incoherent*" I have a cousin who shares most of my fandoms tho she hasn't watched DW yet, and we were chatting online shortly after I watched that episode (I've been telling her bits and pieces and flailing about all the impossible universe-ending situations they continually throw at the characters who SOMEHOW get out of), and I basically said something along the lines of, "SOMETHING SO AMAZING AND HUGE HAPPENED RIGHT NOW I CAN'T EVEN SPEAK I'M LOSING MY MIND BUT I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU B/C IT'S THAT BIG AND YOU NEED TO WATCH THE SHOW AND DISCOVER IT YOURSELF."

The arc with the Doctor dying: so when that first happened, I was in denial b/c the Doctor simply can't DIE! But he clearly was stopped from regenerating, and they burned his freaking body, so I couldn't understand how he DIDN'T die. Then I figured that since the dead Doctor was 1200 years old, while "our current" Doctor was somewhere in the 900s, they were just setting up a plot point for way, way farther down the road (but then I kept thinking but why would they do that with Matt Smith now, when I assume they'll more Doctors someday so are they assuming Matt Smith is going to do this for the next ten years but if he is, does that mean River, Amy and Rory stay that long too, how can they do that/assume that, etc etc). You know, totally overthinking it. :P So I was surprised they revisited that story arc because I had made all these assumptions about it being an incredibly far off storyline, but they sort of just skipped to him being 1200-something, and I guess he's simply 1200 something now. (I had the hope guess during THAT episode that he was using a body double and was so relieved to discover I was right at the end!)

Other highlights include: The Girl Who Waited (more buckets of tears), The Doctor's Wife (LOVED seeing the TARDIS personified with the Doctor, that was so much fun!!), Closing Time (b/c Craig is fantastic - loved his other episode too; that was the episode where I fell hard for Matt Smith), Vincent and the Doctor (ALL THE FEELS WHEN THEY TOOK HIM TO THE MUSEUM IN THE FUTURE = MORE BUCKETS OF TEARS), Time of the Angels & Flesh and Stone (SO. TENSE. I kept involuntarily shrieking - the way they did the Angels in that ep was brilliantly terrifying, it kept catching me off guard even though it probably shouldn't have, lol), and The Doctor, the Witch and the Wardrobe was so fun too.

I watched The Snowmen yesterday, and as soon as I saw Oswin, I was like, "AH IT'S OSWIN! LOOK IT'S OSWIN! WHY DOESN'T HE RECOGNIZE THAT SHE IS OSWIN! WHY DOESN'T SHE RECOGNIZE HIM AS THE DOCTOR FROM THE DALEK THING!" (Quick sidenote: I really enjoyed her character in Aslyum of the Daleks - her banter with them all and the Doctor was so fun, and I love how he was calling her souffle girl (and stuck on where she got the milk - I was too after he pointed it out, lol) and was really, really sad she was a Dalek/essentially dead - did not see that coming until it was revealed, though I had an uneasy feeling that something was wrong/wrong with her.) I had more less decided that either they were some reason using the same actress and pretending they weren't (as I've seen on some other shows, where a minor character crops up a couple seasons later as an entirely different character but the same actor/actress) or was waiting to discover the reason why they weren't all recognizing each other (forgetting entirely that he never saw her face, and assuming that Clara was perhaps a distant relative, or that perhaps she would come aboard the TARDIS and an episode or two later end up getting left somewhere that leads her to the planet of the Daleks, where once she becomes a Dalek, she forgets about the Doctor). Anyways, when he realized her last name was Oswin, I was like, "ALSJHDFLSAJ" - I'm very intrigued to see what happens next there!!

AND SPEAKING OF GRAVESTONE, JUMPING BACK TO ANGELS TAKE MANHATTAN FOR A SECOND (yeesh sorry guys this post is getting so beastly long - almost done, I swear): WHEN AMY READ AHEAD AND THEN THE DOCTOR TOLD HER NOT AND SHE WAS LIKE WHY AND HE SAID, "WHAT IF RORY DIES?" I FREAKED OUT B/C IT SEEMED LIKE BLATANT FORESHADOWING. AND THEN THEY SHOWED HIS GRAVESTONE AND I REALLY PANICKED AND WAS SO TENSE FOR THE REST OF THE EP. And them jumping off the building together I seriously will never, ever get over (just like I'll never get over Ten leaving Rose on a beach, or the look on Donna's face when Ten has erase her memory, or the moment when Ten realizes Wilf is the one knocking four times...). I was exhaling in relief when they were all back in the graveyard and everything was fine and resolved - completely relaxed, thinking everything is resolved another episode yay. Shriked NO when Rory disappeared and Amy saw his gravestone, and then ya. Sobbing, as you know, for several minutes after that. AND RIVER IN THAT SCENE. ALSKJDHF. Can't handle it.

Alright, done rambling about DW for today, I swear, lol.


character: the doctor, tv: doctor who, *procrastination, ship: doctor x rose, #update, ship: rory x amy, #irrelevant rambling

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