Back in November, I decided I wanted to do something nice for my Tumblr followers, so I made a post and sent messages to ask boxes, to let my followers know I wanted to make them a gift (a piece of digital art) for the fandom/ship/etc of their choice (from an extensive list of ones I was familiar enough with to make art) to thank them for following me. I gave them a couple weeks to get back to me, and then I made art with the requests I'd gotten back, and posted them in mid-late December as Christmas gifts.
I don't know why I didn't post them earlier, considering I made this in December and it's... March... but better late than never, right? Check 'em out below the cut.
Desktops/Wallpapers - Tumblr Christmas Gifts 2011
Jason Segel
for badnumbers
Lost, the kids
for jojolost
Chuck, Chuck/Sarah
for yogaseal
for chuck-nerd
Chuck, Sarah Walker
for strahaight
for idareyoutotakealook
for adonis-dna
Community, Abed as Batman
for inkspire89
Fringe, Peter/Olivia
for crayola-queen
Fringe, Peter/Olivia
for looseendstangledown
The Muppets
for mr-kermit-the-frog
Harry Potter
for iforgotwithneville
How I Met Your Mother
for mrsidecolor
That's it! I also have some Lord of the Rings art from before Christmas I'll post next (see, it doesn't like much of a dry spell to you, because I'm not good at update consistently! Hah!). Aaaand the usual:
- No hotlinking
- Credit &/or comments appreciated :)
- Icons may be used as a base, but please credit if you do so
- Large version of desktops available upon request