
Nov 07, 2011 21:38

Ok, grabbing some time tonight to finish up posting those desktops. Included in this post is more Chuck, Lost, Harry Potter, and a few things for new and upcoming movies. Enjoy!

in any other world, you could tell the difference )

ship: chuck/sarah, tv: chuck, ship: barney/robin, art: desktops, ship: peter/olivia, tv: alias, tv: castle, movie: princess bride, movie: this means war, ship: castle/beckett, movie: harry potter, tv: grey's anatomy, tv: lost, ship: boone/shannon, tv: how i met your mother, art: picspam, movie: three musketeers, tv: fringe

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vaguelynicole November 9 2011, 10:35:37 UTC
Yay you did a Weasley twin one too! I love your Barney and Robin ones as well!


red_b_rackham November 15 2011, 05:39:27 UTC
Thanks man!! :D Glad you like. Hey you have a new LJ now? I saw your Rhea Silverkeys one was all x-ed off in my message box, so I was wondering if you were off LJ altogether.



vaguelynicole December 5 2011, 20:49:24 UTC
I'm pretty much off LJ altogether, I just have this so I can comment and read friends' LJs. I moved to Wordpress XD


red_b_rackham December 11 2011, 09:09:27 UTC
I have... heard of Wordpress before, but I'll admit I know like nothing about it, lol. Is it like a blogging site?



vaguelynicole December 12 2011, 14:18:21 UTC
Yup, it's a blogging site. I like it because it looks less like a journal and more like a website, you can add tabs and it also has the cut post function LJ has. It is a bit restrictive on design, although that's not much different from LJ.


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