May 27, 2011 15:42

Two challenges I might eventually try myself, below the cut. Take a gander!

General: Unusual Pairing Challenge


There's the pairings that are canon, the pairings everybody ships (canon or not), the non-canon pairings, and then there are the unusual ones. The ones that hardly anybody ships, if anyone, there's like two fics ever for them or none at all. Here's what I want you to do: take two characters, not canon-ly together, and write them together. Believably.

(Just to clarify, I'm not talking random crack!ships like McGonagall/Giant Squid or something, I mean two characters who could conceivably get together if the conditions/circumstances were right - which is up to you to create (like Dee/Helo from Battlestar Galactica or Devon/Sarah from Chuck, or Juliet/Desmond from Lost, as examples of conceivable but unusual).)

[ Note: In case you have no idea what I mean by “canon” and “non-canon” pairings. “Canon” is the source material (books in Harry Potter, the TV shows of Chuck, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, the movie Inception, and so on). It's what has actually happened on the source material, is confirmed fact. Examples: Jack/Kate on Lost, Ron/Hermione in Harry Potter, Chuck/Sarah on Chuck, Kara/Sam on Battlestar Galactica, Dom/Mal in Inception, Meredith/Derek on Grey's Anatomy, and so on. Non-canon pairings would be ones that have not happened, are not confirmed. There are some pairings that are extremely popular even though they are not canon. Examples: Sheldon/Penny on Big Bang Theory, Harry/Luna or Draco/Hermione in Harry Potter, Meredith/Mark on Grey's Anatomy, Arthur/Eames in Inception, and so on. ]


1. Two characters who don't generally get shipped together, written shipped together somehow (believably).

2. AUs allowed (obviously) and crossovers allowed as well. OCs not allowed for this one.

3. Slash, incest, etc not allowed for this challenge. Branch out and think of some unusual het pairings and make us ship them!

4. When posted, be sure to include "Unusual Pairing Challenge" or something to that effect in your A/N or summary.


Post a link below with title of the fic, author, summary, rating below, as well as the unusual pairing you chose.


Lost: Underused Characters Challenge

This is a very popular notion in the Harry Potter fandom especially - taking a small character, an underused one or even one who's just a name, and expanding. But what about Lost? Recently I was clicking through the various character filters on and was surprised (not a single story tagged for Dogan or Cindy? Nor Eloise or Widmore? Not ONE?), and in some cases not terribly surprised (ex. Phil, Amy, Bram...). And for hilarity sake, I have to note that Vincent had almost a full page of stories, thus why he's not included in this.


Take an obscure and/or underused character and give them a voice and a story outside the show! Whether it be an epic oneshot, multi-chapter fic, vignette or even a drabble, do something for the unloved and underused in this fandom from the lists below (or even more obscure Lost characters, if you can think of them - some suggestions also below).

(As a quick side note, there MAY be stories out there about these characters, but they are not "tagged" with the character so they don't show up when adjusting the filters on

A Bit Obscure to Really Obscure, Not Listed on

-Liam (Charlie's brother)

-George Minkowski

-Jill (the blonde chick in the butcher shop that Ben talks to when he needs her to watch the van, containing Locke's coffin)

-Regina (the chick on the freighter who jumped off wrapped in chains)

-Omar (Keamy's right hand dude)


-Inman (the guy in the hatch before Desmond)

-Scott and/or Steve

-Joanna (the woman who drowned, early S1)

-Neil Frogurt

-Mr. Paik

Characters with ZERO Stories (in List)

-Amy (Horace's wife in DharmaTimes)

-Bram (Ilana's right hand dude)

-Charles Widmore

-Cindy (the flight attendant turned Other)

-Dogan (Asian temple dude)

-Eloise Hawking

-Gault (Cap'n of the freighter before Keamy shot him)

-Goodwin (Juliet's boyfriend / Other who was with the Tallies until killed by Ana)

-Horace Goodspeed


-Lennon (Dogan's right hand dude)





-Phil (security guy, DharmaTimes)

-Pierre Cheng


Characters with VERY FEW Stories (try picking from the above first, but from this list is acceptable too)



-Frank Lapidus




-The Man In Black/Samuel


1. An underused character from the lists above must be the focus.

2. AUs strongly discouraged, OCs and crossovers not allowed for this one.

3. Main characters (such as Jack, Kate, Ben, Richard, Sayid, Boone, etc) may be included, or make an appearance, but may NOT be the focus.

4. Main characters (such as the above) MAY be shipped with the underused character(s) of your choice.

5. Length may be any pretty much, but must be more than 100 words (drabble) and no more than like 6 000 for a oneshot, or may be a multi-chaptered fic. May be a piece in a collection of drabbles/oneshots.

6. When posted, be sure to include "Underused Character Challenge" or something to that effect in your A/N or summary.


Post a link below with title of the fic, author, summary, rating, and the underused character(s) you chose.

Giant list of prompts coming next...


misc: general, fanfiction, tv: lost, !challenges, writing

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