Rose's First Day (for personal reference)

Sep 25, 2004 15:11

Rose arrived at the bar when she entered what she thought was her sister's recently re-enchanted apartment in Fabletown. She went to the bar and made the aquaintance of a white cat who turned out to be Yrael.

She also chatted with Anthy and then Peter, who was kind enough to explain where Rose was and what the heck was going on.

Rose also learned that her darling sis gave birth to twins and decided to console herself celebrate with logs of gin. Rose offers a round of gin and meets a man after her own liver, and then takes his sailor hat.

Meanwhile, Rose's sister Snow arrived and there was much huggage and reunion-ing. While playing catch-up with Sister dear, Rose also makes the aquaintance of Crowley, the Super Intriguous Spy Demon, who is lured to the conversation by the siren song of a Toast to Snow and her family.

Of course Rose's suave introduction is somewhat hindered by the fact that the so-called ordinary white cat she's been holding the whole time suddenly turns into a young man by the same name. Gin is spilled, but the evening is far too pleasant for hard feelings, even between Crowley and Yrael.

Things are able to quiet down after that, and it becomes business as usual: Rose tries to trade siblings with Yrael, but to no avail. The two go their separate ways, and Rose is free to get back to the task of getting Big Sis to party on her night off. The two share booze and stories, and as always: bond over their shared dislike of Snow's ex-husband. The two get along very well, due probably to the strange situation, the happy circumstances of their reunion, and the fact that Rose is well-stocked on alcohol and cigarettes.

Meanwhile, the newest Fable has a lovely chat with the demon Crowley about everything from immortality to war to their mutual irreverance towards religion before Rose and Crowley part company so the Sisters can attend Happy Hour.

One assumes that Rose eventually passes out drunk on the floor of the apartment Snow shares with "Big B." and the insanity can return in the morning.
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