Oct 18, 2005 17:26
so if u cant figure out by now she wants nothing to do with me.becuase i lost my temper a lil bit for no reason on monday, i yelled at her on aim a couple sentances. she said that i scared her and i have a horrid temper and i need to get help.i tried explaining to her that i was jus venting and she knows i would NEVER hurt her. well fuck u to adam aparently.out of all the honest and caring things i have said to her thats the only one she takes heart in.i am the 1st person to admit i have quite the temper, i vent and i bitch, but as far as hurting anyone who doesnt deserve it? IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. then to top it off she got the flowers i had ordered for her last week, they were supose to be delivered friday, today and i'm sure she thought that was some ploy to get her back.she then said i should get help, which after a second thought cannot happen because any mental health notes on your military check means a no go for ANY service.yes i get overly attached to people and yes i cried like a bitch after i finaly realized she would have nothing to do to me.and i'm sure i'll be hurting for awhile yet, but you know what? thats ok. i have dam good friends.friends who know me, know i'm a goofy fuck, know i'm an emo whore, know i'm a mad little man, know i lose my temper fast, and hopfully know that i would have anyone of their backs.
to go along with my unaturaly fast emotional attachment, goes undying loyalty.if u earned my friendship i will walk to fire with/for you.i hope all my friends that read this,especialy the main crew(even the wiener in v town), know this.i may not show it but you all are pretty bad ass.
both dave and my sister mentioned that since i've been back i tend to lose my temper more, honestly i havnt noticed, i still feel the same but if both of them see it then it proally is true.its jus my way of being more agressive i guess....from age 0-19 i was a passive fuck, i would get mad and do nothing, passive people lose in real life is how i look at it. i see ppl whose furniture i deliver every day, these "A-type" with their nice ass wives and fancy house and cars.they have what i want, and hopfully will one day.
and to judith a king i will be coming to your party on sat, and i will drink to a level of intoxocation previously unseen within the likes of adam.i will wish u a happy 21st and forget how much i hated u.i will drink and drink, pee...and drink.
to chelsea....yes i have a bad temper, i would have never hurt you and u know that, you were done with me the day you left and needed a way out more then likly, and if u do think i need "help" i say this....HEY FUCK YOU, being mad and overly emotional makes adam adam.i will yell your head off one day and the next be on my knee lifting you out of a hole.because thats who i am, if you dont want to be with me? to bad, how dare you say i scare you and need help.again,being mad and overly emotional makes adam adam.i thought u were different but, your impulsive and shallow like the rest who wont/will never look through to my eyes and heart. FUCK YOU
"never mess with anyones heart and never deal with anyone who messes with your own"