(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 07:20

1: Name: Christie, Red, bitch

2: General Age: late 20s

3: Hair color: brown with black ends

4: The order of your NSYNC love: Lance, JC Joey, Chris, Justin

5: Do you like Het, Slash, or just any old fic? I never got into the Slash but if it's well written I'll read which ever :)
6: Name One Vice: I'm vain?

7: Movie you would watch if you were depressed or sick? Steel Magnolias

8: Wildest "fan" (any fandom)thing you've ever done: When I first moved to Orlando, I just to hang out with these people that went around to the boys houses. That's it.

9: Will you be my Valentine? NO, Phoenyx is my Valentine. :)

10: Tell me 10 random things about you.

1- I started smoking to quit pot
2- I love working. Multi-tasking is my middle name
3- I don't eat candy
4- I enjoy drinking beer when I'm in the mood
5- I am very patient person.
6- I love to read.
7- My friends are like family to me
8- I went to Boston without knowing anyone in person and stayed with people I've never met before
9- I can be a real bitch and my husband is the ultimate asshole that's why I married him LOL!
10-Freaks me out to hear people screaming
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