Jan 24, 2007 20:26
Is there something in yellow food that makes me despise it so; some chemical that not only gives that not only gives off a characteristic colour, but also disagrees with my every taste bud? Bananas, butter, even margarine, squash, custard: none are free from my scorn.
But what about cheese? Lemons? Admittedly, there are few exceptions, but what of them? Such anomalies leave even fewer satisfying explanations.
I've heard it said that our culinary preferences are transmitted to us through our mother's milk in our infancy - whatever she eats, we like - but what of those children that were fed on the milk of cows? Surely their food of preference isn't grass! Is it?! This leaves only one explanation, one that doesn't sit well with me at all.
That red herring; that impostor; that wolf in sheep's clothing; refuge of the atheist: coincidence! I don't believe in it. I cannot believe in it. The phenomena is simply too strange not to be designed. I prefer to call them co-ordinances. Because everything happens for a reason.