Mar 08, 2007 19:35
WSU's spring break is next week and was wondering who'll be back in town and if so, if there was anything interesting goin on?
I was also pondering the idea of hosting a poker tourny. I know most of you aren't interested so this is for the few who are and the few who know people who might be (i.e. Jessica).
It would be in the style of texas-holdem (TM) tournament.
When: probably Thur. 15th unless more can make it on another day.
Where: my apt.
Time: again depends, evening probably starting around 5-7
Format: no re-buys, blinds raise every 20mins
Buy-In: $15 or $20 ("house" = myself is not taking any % of the buy-ins for itself because its not fun nor fair, but mainly due to legallity)
ADDED INCENTIVE: I will contribute an addition amount of $$ to the prize pool. The amount will be half the buy-in amount (excluding Krista & my buy-ins)
For example: players include myself, Krista, and 6 others. The prize pool would be $120(8X15)without the "house" added $$. The house $$ added with a total of 8 ppls will be $45 (6X15/2), for a total pool of $165 (120+45)
Additional option: We could also play with "bounties". How this works is that every ppl has a $5 bounty and for every person that you take out of the tourny, you recieve their bounty. This would require the buy-in to be $20 ($15 buy-in and $5 to go for bounties).
The most I can have play would be 10ppls. If you're interested, let me know. Also, if you are going to play.. I need a COMMITMENT, I don't want people bailing last minute... that's just rude!