Jul 17, 2009 00:56
I'll put this in a numbered list to make it easy for anyone who will read this.
1. I think prostitution should be legal. It will save time and money and stds.
2. I think government sucks but is necessary.
3. I think college is overpriced but for smart people there are ways to pay absolutly nothing and to show everyone how smart you are and to get what you want in life.
4. I think dogs suck and cats are awesome. I love my cat almost as much as my child and i would always treat him with the same respect.
5. I think witches that were burned were not really witches and they were stupid enough to think that their " friends and religion " would save them and were too weak to save themselves while real witches were smart enough to save themselves.
6. I think that the people that are smart enough and into the same things as I am are to pretentious to hang out with. This is from personal experience. I met someone at a party once and I asked him what camera he was using and he said " one that takes pictures " and that was the end of my naivete.
7. I truly know that I am a good person with good values and good morals and the fact that I choose to speak with people that are serial killers and outcasts only makes me a better person.
8. I believe that I am a good person and I'm happy with who I've become. I don't lie and I don't bullshit with people I don't care about unless I get what's coming to me. And I'd rather see someone get what's coming to me rather then lie to someone. I don't lie. "Contrary to popular belief I never lied to my ex he just heard what he wanted to hear.
9. I believe Nick was a really good friend until a complete misunderstanding happened and distroyed my friendship. My ex had totally brainwashed me. I knew I was playing by the rules and I told him that something had happened but I felt like It was no big deal because me and him had mad no plans and no declarations.
10. I believe that all friendships take a leap of faith. You have to trust people and yet realize that it all might end and that you might get hurt. I always took that chance and I've been burned many times and yet i'm happy and have never regret any friendships I've had. People are who they are yet you have to read between the lines and not be a complete idiot.
11. Anything that happens and anything you want to happen is because of myself or in the case of who is reading this it is because of YOU. You do get what you deserve. If you are so desperate for attention and are trying to look for someone else to fix your problems, then you will get someone who will seem the answer to your problems and then they will screw you over because you let them. Because you are so desperate to have any kind of attention. You are only running from yourself.
12. Drinking is good. Smoking is good. In small amounts. You press your limits and you get what you deserve.
13. Last but not least. I believe that as soon as you stop worrying about other people and what they think you will worry about yourself and you can focus on what makes you happy. This has been a true insight. It's made me happier then anything else.
JUST let go people. Get over everyone else and do what is right for yourself. If it makes you feel good keep on, If you get pain then CUT IT OFF.
Love always.