Oct 30, 2004 12:15
Once again, in the situation where I dont know what to say, but I know I should update for shits and giggles... either due to boredom, or just the need to type and rant my ass off, hoping something decent'll come out.
Was up in Merrimack with Ty, Dan, Jorge and Maygan watchin Dawn of the Dead... awesome movie most definately. Cant wait to be living with the likes of Jorge, Maygan, and Jamie lol. I think Ollie will be alright too, but I dont know him all that well obviously... but yeah should be fucking fuuuuuuun, I refuse to stop bringing that up, Im too fucking excited to get there... its literally the best thing I have happening right now.
Went down to Keene the other night, was pretty fun, even tho I stayed away from PMD for the night, cause that place is nothing but sketch. It was like 1am and Jorge eventually went in, he had a good time tho. If it woulda been earlier and I had been more in the mood (drunk/e) I prolly woulda went in that place. Instead we just chilled, drank, walked around in the freezing fucking weather. I got to play Halo 2 for a while on a modded X Box, not much new shit I guess, dual wielding of weaps... woo? lol, maybe I dont care cause I completely blow at that game lol... more than likely :D.
So, I need my other fucking check from amsat, it should be around another 150$ in my pocket atleast, and Im gonna need it. Best buy hasnt called me back, but I know they generally dont call on weekends, I got the last call on a monday. So if by monday they dont do anything... gotta find some new options. I realy wanted to go back there because of the discounts :x. I mean seriously, when it comes down to it... 8.75 with massive discounts on shit everyone'll need, or 9.50 @ circuit, with a shitty discount... hrm, I dont wanna work at circuit city... I just get vibes from that place... like my brains gonna rot outta my head if i go there. Everyone looks like such a retard (with the exception of Sam lols), but anyways, Ill still try it because I obviously need a job.
Oh yeah, my dad knows some guy who sells adspace for police brochures or some stupid shit. Said I could make about 400$ a week calling businesses up and gettin people to buy ad space... that would be fucking weird, but who knows, might as well try everything. I kinda wanna stay out of sales... but I gotta do whats necessary to survive right? Bah, I wish I could go intern at a studio or something... ohh yeah, and Matt-tress told me about some conneticut school of communication where they actually have engineering stuff set up, and courses of course.. and he said it was cheaper than full sail... which is always a plus. But even if I cant go now, alteast I can try putting away some money for some shit... actually I was gonna see if I could go sell some shit today... like some stuff I had when I was younger and definately dont want anymore. We're talking magic cards (shut up I was in HS :|), and my shitty older bass, my paintball gun... shit maybe Ill check out ebay or something, well maybe for the small stuff... cause I dont feel like putting an add in the paper or anything... too expensive, and I dunno if Id get any bites on it or anything. Ill figure something out, I dont want my roomates thinking Im a loser already lol, but Id really feel comfortable with more money than I have, and oh yeah, a FUCKING JOB... gah.
On a side note, my fingers feel fucking wonderful. I got a football in the tips of my index and middle finger yesterday, its nothin major, it just sucks to bend, nothing major just a lack of motion... sucks cause those fingers are important ;) lmao. But yeah, weird part was, got baked yesterday after throwin the ball around with Jorge and Matt-tress, and i couldnt feel that shit anymore... MEDICINAL POT ALL THE WAY YAY! Lmao
Females... where are they, and why cant they be into me... wooh. Ive prolly done some stupid shit in the recent past with the female thing... but I need to cut that shit out. I need someone in the area, so I dont have to travel to see em and whatnot, Im sick of that for the time being. Argh, oh wells, Ill get something going hopefully... we'll see eh? lol
Supposed to be in a movie of Dans today too... I think I might go shower now, and go take a look through shit I could possibly go pawn or something. Preferably nothing I could prolly get more money off of selling it on my own. Moooooooooooooney y0, and Im still kinda debating selling my tables... after Im sure I have all the tunes that are on my vinyls on my computer. Thats another thing... Im gonna burn all my music and por... all my music *ahem*, off my computer :D. Gonna free up a little bit of space by keeping the music I still *want* but dont listen to that often off my hard drive, but on a CD-R so I dont lose it. I mean I have 20gigs of music right now, and um, a lot of ... other... stuff... rofl. But anyways, I think I could prolly free up a good half of my hard drive after all that... minus games and shit as well. I think the majority of my extra cash is gonna get spent on musical equipment... as soon as I have it of course... I figure if Im gonna be spending a year not going to school again, I might as well teach my ass some stuff, keep up on my bills, and just go the loan route... something has to fall into place for me... hopefully... but Ill never know if I dont try... heh
Sorry for the random/disjointed journal entries... I pretty much just make myself type constantly and just look to see what comes out after... lol
Oh, and before I go, I was just reminded it was my dads birthday... my aunt and grandmother just yelled at me basically to buy him a card. Um, I think Im just gonna wish him a happy birthday, and tell him that if I was 21, I would buy him some whiskey. I dont get cards, I could just be an asshole, but what do you do with birthday cards. I read em once, and then forget about them. Im pretty sure my dad will be all set with some beer, maybe Ill get dan to buy that for me.. lmfao. But what the hell, like I said... caaaaaaant waaaaaaaait to moooooooooove. As of monday we cant park on the side of the road cause of the parking bans, there are 4 fucking cars out there, not to mention a drive way filled with vehicles... so my movings just in time for that apparently... oh yeah, I got flipped out on yesterday for the gayest reason. Everyones looking at fucking wall paper for the kitchen/dining room and I mentioned how in the new place, they had those banners running around the top of the room that were just vinyl shit with glue behind em, and how I was gonna take the ones in my room down. Im sucha satan worshipper... obvoiusly. They litereally fuckin flipped out on me as I just stood there wondering what the fuck their issue was, after a minute or two of them saying how rediculous the idea was, I finally just brought them to reality, reminding them it was only a 4 inch portion of vinyl around the top of the room, and I wasnt taking sledgehammers to the fucking walls, so they should honestly calm the fuck down. It was so minor, but this is my family, it seems to run in the family...oh wait.... FUCK! lmao Naw I dont pull that shit
But enough rambling, just got a call from ty, we're gonna go see if we can pawn some of my shit. Money money money :P lol. I apologize for the huge post, maybe next time Ill lj-cut the whole thing into sections :|