Oct 27, 2004 10:27
I just woke up like half an hour ago... and Im already getting pissed. My dads giving me shit about moving into this apt... I prolly shoulda expected this. Hes bringing up the fact that if someone doesnt pay their bills, blah blah blah, get kicked out, blah blah blah. No shit asshole, but its fairly cheap, and Im working the least hours out of anyone... or was, and i was making the least commission, and I can still save over 500$ a month while living there... and this is with the part time job I have now, Im still looking for a replacement by the way... cause as Keith says "amsats not a career choice"... very true lol. But anyways, my dad doesnt understand why I want to move so fuckin bad, I just told him that Im sick of not having a room, not having any privacy, place to park, and I hate the fact that this doesnt feel like home. I guess Im fucking crazy because I dont wanna turn out like... all my other relatvies that happen to live int his goddamn house, and will continue to for the rest of their lives... thats not in my plan... or the back up plan... or the last possible resort... thats not going to happen. But anyways, it just fuckin pisses me off that my dad, even tho its been years, is still trying to stop me from doing shit... fucking asshole.
Goddamit... anyways, I dont have to work until 12 today, yesterday I woke up late, and got there like half an hour late. When I went in, I asked if i could cut my break short cause I showed up late, but noooo you gotta do whatever your scheduled for... okay, I got 20 calls over 8.5 hours, 8 of which were pitchable... and I came away with one sale... fuckin I dont know, its impossible. My close rate, over the past 3 weeks has been 16.75 percent or some stupid shit like that... and I mean, Ive been trying, its just its unrealistic to pitch on 40% of the calls you get... and because of that youre close rate *really* needs to be about 50% on the legitimate calls you get, and thats impossible. I dont get how other people accomplish that... its crazy, its like theres some fuckin secret... one guy told me he only logs like half his calls... like... okay yeah, Ill try that right the fuck out :|.
Anyways, back to being excited about this new place... I really cant wait. I just found out that I still have my bed kicking around, so thats one thing I dont have to worry about picking up. Im gonna need a little bit of furniture so it doesnt look or feel like a dorm room... but Im still gonna rig up all the blue lights and electronics of course :P. I really wanna get some recording shit goin in there, but I kinda also wanna buy a TV too... cause I mean I have a DVD player, and a gamecube, I dont need tv (obviously) but having one is always a good thing. Gotta make the place feel like home yanno... actually right now Im going through different prints offa deviant art that I can put up, they have like 20x30s for 25$ and of cool shit too :P... Im fucking... so excited about this, I hope this isnt some big joke or something... still waiting to find out exactly how much I need to get in... I already have half of it right now... well 270$, but that might be all we need... thenagain we dont move in until the 11th, so I got another week or so to get some more cash. Cause I know that more expenses are gonna be involved in gettin everything set up and running smoothly. Like the cable and vonage shit, I need to get a cell phone going too... so I can actually get in contact with people once again...
In other news... Thursday, prolly going down to Keene, might be doin somethin a little different... but its all good, excited about that too actually. Chilling with Ty, Dan, Adam, Matt, and Jorge... I think jorges comin... he fuckin better if we're all gettin messed up in one way or another... or several ways... lol. But yeah, should be a good fucking time. I still have nothing planned for Halloween... I dont even have the slightest idea what to do... so I think that means nothing... pretty sure atleast, unless something amazing comes up... prolly not. Hrm, random note, I wonder if Ill be able to see the fuckin eclipse tonight... its gonna be gettin good at like 10:20... prolly gonna be cloudy.. go figure.
Anyways, Im sick of posting, I know I can rant for hours and hours, but Im too busy looking at these prints... gonna find some good abstact oens, and some girls too of course... lmao. But yeah, I just realized I gotta go to work in like an hour and 15 minutes, and I got angry for some reason... fucking job...