What UP?!

Jun 25, 2005 12:07

Howdy ya'll, this is RedRum, better known as Sykosis, better known as Austin, here to make my first post.

Right now i'm sitting around, just got out of the shower, waiting for Skitzo's fat ass to come pick me up so we can goto Blak's graduation party. This should be fun, getting to hang out with the family in somewhere besides a smoke filled room, tho i do love those times in smoked filled rooms, and will prolly be having one once we get done at the party. I'm hoping today goes well, and it's looking good so far. Just got $100 for a graduation present from my uncle hank this morning, so I'm going to get fucked up tonight! After the past few days, past week really, i need it. Then, i shall hopefully come back home and talk to Katie. I'm not going to going into a ramble about her (this time) but all i wanna say is, oh my fucking god i'm in love with that woman. Not some kiddy, high skool crush-love bullshit, this is real deal, could spend the rest of my life with her, raise her kids with her kind of love. Ok, i'm rambling. So until next time. I'm out like the dealer's after Dementia shows up!
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