HI *waves*

Mar 23, 2005 20:40

so i have decided that my father should not try to fix anything. today he "fixed" the plumbing. now all of our taps are backwards..as in if you want hot water it comes out cold and if you turn it to cold you get hot..well actually aparently the hot water heater is not working right so now you actually get warm water if you turn it to cold...on the plus side the shower which has been wrong for about twenty years is finally right...

slowly but surely my hit list continues to grow...i'm having a people are retarded day.

so i thought jess and i were supposed to do something friday but aparently she and ashley are doing something with ashleigh but ashleigh wants to go see some guy play at some place so hopefully i can go with them or whatever they're doing i hope i can go with cause i haven't hung out with ashley or jess in forever last time i even saw them was at the grind...i miss everyone. i need to be online or be on lj more often...i've realized just how much i've missed everyone since i saw everyone at the grind so i'm writing in my lj...if anyone feels the need to talk to me leave a message on my aim and i'll most likely come back and talk to you! unless i don't...but most likely i will!

so..i'm out of it and i've started getting gossip from kelli which is sad..is it true that cory quit school and is now doing crack cause that's just weird...i need to know these things people, though i probably would if i read lj once in awhile, i'm working on it i swear!

yes well leave me some messages about how you are very happy that i have updated finally and i'm super wonderful! fyi if anyone is in town for easter i am working tomorrow from 7-10, friday from 12-5, and saturday from 7-10 so you can always come up to baskin robbins and buy ice cream for me maybe if you're lucky and noone is looking i'll give you my discount ;)

i think i'm done...i'll maybe update soon or in like months...whichever i'm not dead i promise

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