Dems and Reps going in different directions

Oct 12, 2010 14:44

I've been going around and around this political season, sort of a pox on both your house between the Demos and Repos... The Tea Party is making me think coffee more and more. I guess I am seeing a lot of scare, and not so much leadership. I am stuck. I like Jerry Brown, I always have, I remember him as Govenor, and I find it ironic that he followed Reagan, who did a masterful job of raising revenue enhancement but leaving office as a "tax-cutter"., but that is history. However, my like of Jerry Brown seems to be completely overcome by my loathing for the Demos who run Sacramento in the Legislature. They are the main reason why CA is in the worst situation it has been in three generations. The big thing coming up is reapportionment, and I do not trust these Demos to do anything other than protect their ability to continue to screw up our great state. So I really do not feel good about Brown, a Demo, being govenor during this time, in that he will NOT counterbalance the BAD Demos in Sacto, so right now I'm going to hold my nose and vote for Meg, and any Republican running for Assembly or Senate. However, note to Meg, Reagan raised far more taxes in his tenure than Brown ever did and Brown got to be "G" during the Ford/Carter recession.
As much as I like Brown, I dislike Boxer. I voted for her once, and while I did not regret that vote (the bozo running against here was the worse kind of Republican)a crazy on the left will do less damage than a crazy on the right. Boxer is still crazy left, but I have come to conclusion, that Carly is less crazy right and so if it were right now I'd hold my nose and vote for her. To me it is a marginal improvement, but improvement is improvement.
If it were today, I;d vote for Obama long before I;d vote for Palin, again it is the more crazy left is less dangerous than the more crazy right syndrome. However, if the national Demos do not get their heads out of their jackasses, that could change. OK I am sure a bunch of my friends are going to say why I am wrong, but it is going to be hard to change my mind.
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