Dec 12, 2004 13:44
:-: first job = williams-sonoma
:-: first screen name = eakid518
:-: first self purchased cd = may have been like jewel or something
:-: first funeral = grandma sylvia
:-: first enemy = karla across the street
:-: first big trip = went on lots of vacations but the biggest was across europe summer before 11th grade
:-: last long car ride = last time i drove up here
:-: last good cry = tuesday night (it was very emotional saying goodbye)
:-: last library book checked out = a bunch for my history class a few weeks ago
:-: last food consumed = granola bar
:-: last phone call = alexx
:-: last shoes worn = sneakers
:-: last cd played = song by reel big fish
:-: last annoyance = im tired and i cant fall asleep
:-: last shirt worn = greek week shirt from sophomore year
:-: last website visited = emumail
:-: wallet = coach with a lot of shit in it
:-: underwear = victoria's secret
:-: hair = down and red
:-: eyes = hazel
:-: hands = small
:-: feet = i hate my feel
:-: room = real messy right now
:-: boyfriend/girlfriend = Jeffrey McKay
:-: parents = 2 in NY
:-: [boxers or briefs]: boxer briefs
:-: [plaid or striped] = striped
:-: [okay, ok, or o.k.] = ok
:-: [sunshine or rain] = sunshine
:-: [rain or snow] = rain
:-: [sun or moon] = sun
:-: [silver or gold] = gold
:-: [preps or freaks] = freaks
:-: [popcorn-with or w/out butter] = without
:-: an animal = cat
:-: a fruit = grapes
:-: a vegetable = carrot
:-: a color = pink
:-: are you smart? = i hope so
:-: do you like onions? = no
:-: what instruments can you play? = i used to play the violin
:-: what words do you overuse? = seriously
:-: do you sleep with socks on? = if im cold i do
:-: are you ticklish? = yes
:-: are you shy? = sometimes
:-: do you talk to yourself? = hehe yea
:-: did you go to preschool? = no
:-: are you a morning person? = usually
-- first name: ilissa
-- middle name: brooke
-- last name: felman
-- nickname(s): liss, lissy
-- birthplace: dix hills, ny
-- current Location: west hartford, ct
-- your heritage: jewish
--your fears: birds flying over my head and shitting on me. on a serious note, being left somewhere
-- goal you'd like to achieve: find a job
-- your most overused phrase on AIM: hehe
-- your thoughts first waking up: ugh its too early
-- your thoughts at bedtime: mmmm sleep
-- your most missed memory: being home
screw layer four...
-- smoke: unfortunatly yes
-- curse: yea
-- sing: yes but its not very good
-- take a shower everyday: yes
-- have a crush: yes
-- want to go to college: i'm already there
-- like(d) high school: nope
-- want to get married: yes
-- believe in yourself: sometimes
-- think you're a health freak: not at all
-- get along with your parent(s): yes
-- like thunderstorms: not really
-- play an instrument: nope
in the past month...
-- drank alcohol: yes
-- smoked: yes
-- done a drug: yes
-- kissed someone: yes
-- gone to the mall: yes
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: no
-- eaten sushi: no
-- been on stage: yes at graduation
-- been dumped: no
-- made homemade cookies: yes
-- gone skinny dipping: it was recent but not in the past month
-- stolen anything: oops
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- if so, was it mixed company: na
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated:mostly
-- been caught "doing something": uhh whatever that means
-- gotten beaten up: no
-- changed who you were to fit in: nope
-- when do you hope to be married: not really soon but in the near future
-- numbers and names of children: 2-3
-- describe your dream wedding: small with lots of flowers with family and friends around and my big poofy dress
-- how do you want to die: i dont like to think about that but peacefully
-- where you want to go to college: i'm already at college
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: something that pays
-- what country would you most like to visit: australia
in a guy/girl..
-- best eye color: brown
-- best hair color: dark
-- short or long hair: short
-- height: 5'8-6
-- best articles of clothing: jeans
-- best first date location: watching a movie together
-- best first kiss location: in front of your front door
-- # of drugs taken illegally: 1
-- # of pets you have, what kinds, names: 8 cats, yoda, jakes, stella, stanley, thelma, louise, max, leo
-- # of CDs that i own: a lot
-- # of piercings: 5 in ears
-- # of tattoos: 4
-- # of things in my past that i regret: probably more than 10