Feb 28, 2006 22:13
Alright. So. I need someplace to bitch. Because I've been bitching out loud too much lately.
Oh yeah, no trip to Florida. Shocker.
So this psychology & law class. Oh em gee. This is like, slap in the face hello fucker you're in college now. We have our first test on Thursday. Three chapters in the textbook and over 400 pages of assorted handouts. No joke.
Not to mention that we have a 6 question take-home section of the test also due on Thursday. Which, you know, six questions, doesn't sound like a big deal. Except that for each question, we have to write two pages. Typed. Single fucking spaced. Equating to writing 12pagestypedsinglespaced. WTF. In addition to studying, which I started a week ago. In addition to four other classes. In addition to working. And going to the gym practically every day. Ughhh.
Even the seniors going to law school next year were complaining about how much work this is. Oy. So far I've finished four of the six questions and I only have seven full pages. Clearly there should be eight. Ert. But I'm getting quite frustrated and sick of living in the library.
Yeah. I really just wanted a break and an opportunity to bitch. I should really get back to these godforsaken questions. That I have to site sources for. dfjsldkfj. Which means that I have to include all three chapters from the text book AND the other 400 pages I definitely did not read all of. Fuck.
Okay. I'm going to get back to work now. Or something.