SLOW LIKE A TORTOISE: Whilst I try to come back into the fandom swing of things...

Aug 22, 2014 00:14

...dashing off something fun and lighthearted always helps. Besides, it's time I came out of the closet, don't you think? I've added version #1 below to my Welcome Post but I also like the slightly paler "vintage" version (#2) and a bright rainbow one with and without (#3) the torn paper frame, as well as the original. I can never decide between colorways but you know that about me by now, don't you?

(A sneaky-peek of what awaits you after the cut, Gentle Reader)

[20in20 pimpage, pretty pics & thinky thoughts for Buffy/Tara & Willow/Tara shippers ahead]


Click the images below for the full-size treats and enjoy:


Which version do you prefer?

Let's face it: for me as a Buffy fan, shipping her with Spike - or Angel, Xander, Giles, Faith, Willow - hell, Clem for that matter - can be a freakin' joyless slog at times, something to be done privately with lips kept zipped. I can only read so many "bad Buffy, bad girl, for not duly appreciating my favorite character! No biscuit for you, bad girl!" before I begin to feel as though I've been lacerated up and down my entire spine and my shoulders ache from cringing so often. I have enough of that sort of thing in my real life relationships. Fandom is supposed to be fun, isn't it, or why participate? Ergo, Buffy/Tara shipping: all the warm hugs and pillowy comfort I could desire.

Not that I don't ship Tara will Willow. If you think I nearly cried when I made the two W/T icons for this round of btvsats20in20, you'd be correct. If you think I'm tearing up right now thinking about them, you'd also be right. Working on the icons from The Body reminded me why I loved them when I watched the show two years ago, why they still felt incredibly revolutionary to me over ten years after the show ended, why they matter to this middle-aged lesbian and to so many other people, young and old, gay, straight, and otherwise. This round increased my desire to "reclaim" them for myself and do a future Willow/Tara claim. Speaking of which -

VOTING ENDS TOMORROW, JUNE 22nd for ROUND 3 of btvsats20in20. (See what I did there?) There have been approximately 23 participating voters, some of whom are the 9 participating artists. That's a very very tiny voting populace in a fandom of thousands of people. Even if you don't like voting (which I admittedly don't) or disagree with the concept of awards for arts, do stop by and give the participating artists feedback. If you're snagging an icon, let the artist know. That's the best gift and reward of all for any artist: to know their work is not only appreciated but used and loved. So says I.


I also said I wouldn't post my alts and extras from this round, including banners, until after the votes were tabulated. (Believe me I have no illusions about winning anything this round, 'cause that ain't happenin', and that's ok. ) However, I never promised not to post the Willow/Tara banner that actually was the inspiration for my Category set this round. I made this well over a year ago before I knew anything of ipiccy or vector masks, textures and layers, kits and kings and various things.

And Tara - oh, Tara. In addition to a W/T claim, there's Tara in S4, in S5, S6; by herself and in combination with Buffy, Dawn, Willow, Anya. Tara as a true "comfortador" in ways Xander can't even begin to dream of; Tara as fierce Mama Bear, Tara as witch and seer; as a bridge, with Dawn, between Manus and Spiritus, demonstrating that the two can be united even when Buffy and Willow are mistakenly locked in the extreme ends of the spectrum.


Now for goodness sake, Gentle Reader, go and vote. Or stop to look and appreciate the fine art in the galleries, however you like. But do stop in...whilst I mop up my tears and make myself presentable for company.

setting: s5, fandom: btvs, pairing: willow/tara, l is for lesbian, art gallery, icon(ic) thinky thoughts, char: willow rosenberg, form: banners/posters/wallpapers, women of the buffyverse, icon challenge, comm: btvsats20in20, char: tara maclay, pairing: buffy/tara

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