I am sooo totally and utterly confused with where I am going with these A Levels, nothing is going right whatsoever!!! Especially English Language!! Half of me wants to just say 'Sod it, its just a mini project that doesn't count for anything at all, its just a brilliant way for them to make your life a misery'. But then does that mean that when the proper gert full-on-pinky winky project that DOES count for basically my future comes along I won't be able to cope with it? Or even understand it?! English Literature is alright, apart from Vagina Woolfe, (a.k.a Virginia Woolfe), a modernist writer who writes modernist crap! Its ridiculous...character over plot which basically amounts to a pile of drivvle, par exemple an insane 5 year old who would like to stab his father with a poker so he could have some quality time with his mother! Don't get me wrong, (as Super Junior would say) I actually really like Ernest Hemmingway and he's a modernsit writer, who maybe on the 'DOMINANT MEN SUBMISSIVE WOMEN' role, but I still like him, so I KNOW I'm not being narrow-minded!
As for French...well, let the subject title give you multiple orgasms, 'Politics in France'. I don't even know about politics in the U.K! Who comes up with these modules?!
List of things I am capable of and am freaking amazing at, at this precise moment:
♥ SLEEPING....(even in the middle of the morning I'm looking forward to going to sleep)
♥ Reading...books upon books, that AREN'T Vagina Woolfe
♥ Going for long walks with Dexter, particuarly round the res at the moment on uber windy days
♥ Listening to DBSK/Enrique Iglesias ultra loud much to the expense of ma famille
I've frightened my parents by crying hysterically on more than one occasion, (I NEVER cry!). My dad is the best...he makes even the shittest situation better..I love him for that, beyond anything! But he's always managed to do that, even when I was little. Sometimes wonder if he'll be able to keep it up because at the momentI am feeling SOOO EMO!! I guess as long as he's going to be uber protective over his eldest daughter, he'll always be able to make the problems go away...
Maaaaaaaaaaaaan.....I need chocolate and tea!!!!